GAIN Benefits

One-Stop Solution for Industry

GAIN acts as a matchmaker for industry partners who are seeking research partnerships with the relevant NTU entities to expedite the information-sharing process and provide guidance on all research aspects. 

NTU collaborates with over 250 industry partners in a range of partnerships, including: Corporate Laboratories, Joint Centres, Research Institutes, Consortia, Technology Demonstrators & Living Labs, and Research Projects. 

Early Access

State-of-the-art research advances, innovation, and facilities​

Ideation Platform for Partnerships

Cross-company collaborations


Matchmaking with relevant personnel for a one-stop solution

Disruptive Technologies

Create new opportunities and support R&D

Collaborative Engagement

Schools, institutes,​ and faculty​

Networking Opportunities

Through focused events, talks and workshops​

Talent Pipeline

Attract, nurture, and anchor NTU students, faculty, and researchers​

Value-added Solution

Multi-domain and inter-disciplinary projects

Funding Prospects

Advise on suitable and sustainable funding streams