NIE Director's Foreword for NIE 2025

Amid changes in the education landscape precipitated by fast-evolving learner needs and the advent of new technology for collaboration and learning, the National Institute of Education (NIE) at the Nanyang Technological University Singapore remains committed to our vision to be an institute of distinction leading the future of education.

Building on the successes of the NIE Strategic Vision 2018 – 2022 (‘NIE 2022’), we have developed the NIE Strategic Vision 2025 (‘NIE 2025’), which sets out our institute-level strategic directions and key priorities for the academic years 2023/24 to 2025/26.

With the theme, ‘A Future-ready NIE: Transformation, Growth and Sustainability’, NIE 2025 focuses on continued excellence as well as transformation and growth in the key areas of ‘Programmes & Research’, ‘Partnerships & Networks’, and ‘People & Institutional Capacity’. It includes a key thrust in boosting the institute’s reputation and engagement efforts to strengthen NIE’s position as a leader of the future of education. It also includes a thrust towards sustainability education and environmental sustainability on campus.

As the institute-level strategic plan for the next three academic years, NIE 2025 forms the basis for the development and implementation of other cross-unit or unit-level plans and initiatives in the short-to-medium term as we begin the co-creation of ‘NIE 2030’ (working title), the institute’s five-year strategic plan. Some of these key initiatives include the implementation of an NIE digital roadmap and overall campus infrastructure renewal.

I am confident that the major initiatives and key priorities being implemented under NIE2025 will put us in good stead to harness the opportunities and meet the challenges of our next lap of growth. The future may be unpredictable, but with clear strategic directions for NIE, we will embrace it and look forward to endless possibilities with enthusiasm and optimism.

Professor Christine Goh
President’s Chair Professor of Education (Linguistics & Language Education)
NIE Director


Prof Christine Goh