Published on 20 Aug 2022

NTU engineering alumni lauded for outstanding contributions

James Lam and Thanabal Kaliannan were presented the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering’s Outstanding Alumni Award.

Two alumni from the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE) were recognised for their contributions to the NTU and the development of Singapore's urban spaces and infrastructure projects on Saturday (Aug 20).

James Lam (CEE/1998), managing director of coastal engineering at Surbana Jurong, and Thanabal Kaliannan (CEE/1991) group director (Building Resilience) at the Building and Construction Authority, were presented the CEE Outstanding Alumni Award during the inaugural Professor Chen Charng Ning distinguished lecture at NTU.

Prof Chen, who passed away in 2019, was NTU's former deputy president and founding dean of the school of CEE. The lecture was held in recognition of his contributions to higher education, engineering professions and industries.

Senior Minister and Coordinating Minister for National Security Teo Chee Hean was the keynote speaker at the lecture. 


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