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Executive Certificate in Carbon Markets

Course Provider

Nanyang Executive Education | Nanyang Business School


Continuing Education and Training Certificate


Climate change poses significant challenges to the environment and society, demanding substantial and urgent action from all stakeholders.  A key policy response emerging globally is the utilisation of carbon markets as a tool to price greenhouse gas emissions and direct mitigation efforts in concrete ways.

Recognising the important role that carbon markets play in the journey to Net Zero, and as part of the Singapore Green Plan 2030, Singapore aims to become a leading carbon services and trading hub in Asia. 

To achieve this vision, there is a growing demand for talented professionals in Singapore and across the region to support the development of this critical ecosystem.

The Executive Certificate in Carbon Markets is designed to help meet this need by equipping business leaders and professionals with a solid foundation in carbon markets (compliance, sectoral and voluntary), carbon measurement, reporting, and verification (MRV) and key elements of the carbon project lifecycle. 

Offered in three modules, the intensive nine-day programme will allow you to explore climate action essentials, delve into the details of carbon markets mechanics, and gain practical insights into the corporate toolkit of greenhouse gas measurement, target setting, and mitigation action. The programme will equip you with the knowledge and skills to navigate the evolving landscape of carbon markets and drive meaningful environmental impact.

Click here for the course outline, dates, fees and SkillsFuture Singapore funding

  • Gain a solid understanding of the global climate crisis, the mechanisms driving the zero-carbon economy and the pivotal role of carbon markets.
  • Learn from leading academia and industry experts as they guide you through the complexities of carbon markets, gaining insights into project development, emissions trading, and the governance and innovation that underpins high-quality carbon markets.
  • Understand how carbon trading operates within both the compliance and voluntary markets and the strategic aspects of trading carbon credits.
  • Get insights into practical applications of carbon measurement, reporting, and verification as well as the strategic approaches to corporate insetting and offsetting.
  • Apply knowledge and skills to real-world scenarios.

Module 1: Climate Action and Essentials of Carbon Markets (3 days)

  • Climate Change and the Science of Carbon
  • Zero-Carbon Economy: Imperatives and Mechanisms
  • Carbon Markets: Today and Beyond

Module 2:  Carbon Markets and Trading (3 days)

  • Carbon Project Development
  • Emissions Markets and Trading
  • Governance and Innovation in the Carbon Markets

Module 3:  Carbon Measurement, Reporting, and Verification (MRV), Corporate Insetting and Offsetting (3 days)

  • Carbon Measurement, Reporting, and Verification ( MRV): Overview and Application
  • Carbon MRV: Deep Dive & Practice
  • Corporate Insetting & Offsetting

Participants can choose to attend all three modules in the same run or separately as stand-alone modules. 

  • Professionals in corporate teams seeking to lower the carbon footprint of their organisations
  • Professionals seeking to advance their careers as well as those transitioning into new roles who require expertise in carbon markets and carbon services
  • Professionals in carbon services firms providing services such as sustainability consulting, carbon accounting, MRV, project development and financing and carbon trading

Standard Course Fee: S$3,000 (before GST)

(per Module)

Fees payable after SkillsFuture Singapore (SSG) funding:

Programme Fee in SGD (per Module)
funding & GST
funding & 9% GST
Singapore Citizens (aged 21-39) / PR (aged ≥21)
70% Funding*
Singapore Citizens (aged ≥40)
MCES1* - up to 90%
SME-sponsored Singapore Citizens / PR
ETSS2​ - up to 90%
International Participants
without funding

* Applicable for both self-sponsored and company-sponsored participants. 
1. For more information about the Mid-career Enhanced Subsidy (MCES) scheme.
2. For more information about the Enhanced Training Support for Small & Medium Enterprises (ETSS) scheme.

SkillsFuture Credit 
On top of the above funding, Singapore Citizens, aged 25 and above and self-sponsored may use their SkillsFuture Credit to defray part of the nett course fee. 

Participants do not need to contact SkillsFuture for funding application before course registration. NTU will facilitate the funding paperwork for both self and company-sponsored participants. Participants will be invoiced the nett amount after funding and GST.

Funding Requirements:
- Participant must achieve at least 75% attendance for the programme.
- Participant must complete and pass all assignments / assessments as assigned by the trainer.

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