Master of Science (MSc) in Finance (English and Mandarin)
The Master of Science in Finance programme aims to develop and cultivate young bilingual executives who can achieve a successful career in the global finance industry, with a focus on China and the Asia-Pacific region.
We provide a robust and real-world business foundation and the international exposure required to stand out in the global financial market. This allows students to develop their skills and potential to challenge established paradigms.
盧思宇, 恒生银行 (香港),金融硕士项目2022级在NBS我学到了三件事:一、即使本科没有金融学背景也能够学好金融。二、兴趣永远是学习的第一动力。三、学习是无止境的。也许曾经三件事如同教条一样被重复过无数次,但在NBS的这段时间却能让我真正切身体会到。南洋金融硕士的课程设计很好地帮我构建了较为完整的金融学知识框架,尽职尽责且经验丰富的教师也能够在我求知的过程中答疑解惑。同时,后台出色的就业服务部门拥有的优质就业资源和就业市场的信息,能够帮助学生在求职过程中取得先发优势,灵活的毕业时间选择也能给应届毕业生更多的求职机会。
王萌, 中国银保监会(安徽),金融硕士项目2022级NBS提供的金融项目让我从各个方面都受益匪浅。从知识方面,MSF系统的课程安排和深入浅出的教授讲解使我对金融理论和应用都有了更深层的认知,此外,任课老师提供的学习之外的就业和生活支持也有很大的帮助;从生活方面,项目组负责行政的老师从我们在国内办理签证开始就一步步的指导,关心我们在新加坡生活的点点滴滴,感受到家的温暖;从就业方面,GSCDO就业指导中心提供了丰富的国内国外实习和就业的机会,一对一的面试指导对我拿到新加坡工作机会有很大的帮助,老师从行为面到技术面都帮我进行了模拟和分析。总结来说,这是一段改变人生的旅程,谢谢老师,谢谢项目组!
王宗沂, Marex(新加坡),金融硕士项目2021级项目课程设置非常注重实用性,由浅入深,财务分析、估值建模、案例分析等方面均有涵盖。三学期的课程读下来能够帮助同学们系统性地搭建金融知识体系,对将来从事投研类的工作大有裨益。
蒋昊, 美团(北京),金融硕士项目2020级很幸运在最迷茫的人生分岔路口,来到NTU Mfin项目。在这里,有志同道合的朋友互相鼓励,共同成长;有和蔼可亲、学术精湛的教授,为我们传道授业解惑;有尽职尽责的项目组老师,从开学到毕业到踏上职场,一路为我们保驾护航。最令我感激的一点是,不论是课程上还是求职上的问题,不论是金融科技还是财富管理或是其他领域,这个项目里总有专业的老师能为我提供专业的解答,而且是一遍又一遍、不厌其烦地解答。在这一年里,我逐渐明确了自己的职业方向和人生规划,顺利毕业并找到心仪的工作,这一切都离不开老师和同学们的帮助和鼓励。祝愿同学们前程似锦,也祝愿MFin项目越来越好。
刘千禧, Julius Baer (新加坡),金融硕士项目2021级Study for your MSc Finance in NTU, Singapore
The MSc Finance Programme Highlights:
- Global Financial Market Insights and Perspectives
Students gain global financial market insights and perspectives through the programme and the many opportunities to network with, attend seminars and workshops by industry experts and visiting professors on the purpose of Finance, current financial market trends, and more. Additionally, they will take part in structured Student Industry Field Trips (SIFT) in China and Singapore to expose them to different financial markets and organisations. - Robust Educational Resources
Nanyang Business School (NBS) has a large pool of experienced faculty members who are well regarded for their strong academic qualifications, rigorous teaching expertise and rich industry experience. The school makes the most of the university's educational resources and has established close partnerships with top universities like Tsinghua University, Peking University, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, University of California, Berkeley, ESSEC, and Waseda University. The school is also supported by the NTU NBS Alumni Association which has established a network of professional resources and continuous learning opportunities for the 50,000-strong international community. - Future Ready and Rigorous Curriculum
The curriculum adopts a unique teaching model, through case studies, financial market simulations, projects using real live data, thought series, and Student Industry Field Trips (SIFT). Students get to connect the dots and gain a solid financial foundation in the face of massive information, diverse points of view, and major world events. - Personal Assessment and Career Development
Throughout the academic year, the programme office and Graduate Studies Career Development Office (GSCDO) organise a wide range of activities exclusively for MSc Finance students. This enables them to gain invaluable personal awareness and skills to help them make better career and life decisions moving forward. Tapping on the strong alumni network including the senior alumni who are rooted in major financial institutions in China and Singapore, students will have more opportunities to establish contacts with industry partners, as well as receive advice for career development.