Uniting Industries for Climate Action - NTU Decarbonisation Forum

NTU Decarbonisation Forum
27 Aug 2024 12.30 PM - 05.00 PM Gaia Auditorium, Nanyang Business School Industry/Academic Partners, Public
Organised by:
Nanyang Business School and Centre for Sustainable Finance Innovation (CSFI)

Join us at the NTU Decarbonisation Forum on 27 August 2024, hosted by Nanyang Business School (NBS) in collaboration with the Centre for Sustainable Finance Innovation (CSFI). 

This forum offers a unique opportunity to hear from and engage with a diverse group of stakeholders, including industry leaders, investors, and regulators. The event will focus on two key sectors:  

  • Buildings: Explore sustainable design, materials, engineering, construction, and facilities management. 
  • Textiles/Apparel: Enhance sustainability in fabric mills and garment manufacturing.

Participants will gain access to a series of practical playbooks, developed by dedicated working groups, outlining actionable steps for ASEAN firms to reduce emissions. These playbooks also highlight the support needed from various stakeholders to implement these changes effectively. 

Programme Schedule: 

Public (in-person at Gaia Auditorium at NBS or via Zoom)
1.30 pm - 1.45 pmOpening Remarks
1.45 pm - 2.15 pmKeynote speech
2.15 pm - 4.45 pmPanel discussion and presentation of playbooks
(includes a break at 3.00 pm - 3.15 pm)
4.45 pm - 5.00 pmClosing remarks


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