Dean's Distinguished Speaker Series - Thriving with AI: Agency and Understanding to Make AI Work for Society

18 Feb 2025 06.30 PM - 09.00 PM Gaia Auditorium, Nanyang Business School Industry/Academic Partners, Public

In their new MIT Press book, Thrive: Maximizing Well-being in the Age of AI, Professors Ravi Bapna and Anindya Ghose explore how AI can be made accessible and relevant to everyone. Through relatable examples, they provide insights into how individuals can shape AI's role in society and unlock its potential to improve lives.

Join us for the next public lecture in the Dean’s Distinguished Speaker Series, where Prof. Bapna will be in conversation with Ms. Feon Ang, Managing Director of LinkedIn for the Asia Pacific Region. Together, they will discuss the ‘House of AI,’ a framework for understanding AI’s pillars and layers, the adoption of AI in organisations, its impact on the workforce, and how it can complement human intelligence.

Programme Schedule: 

Public (in-person at Gaia Auditorium at NBS or via Zoom)
6.30 pm - 7.30 pmNetworking (Light refreshments provided)
(Registration starts at 6.15pm at Gaia, NBS)
7.30 pm - 9.00 pmPublic Lecture, followed by Q&A Session at Gaia Auditorium, NBS
9.00 pmEnd of event

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