Published on 30 Jul 2024

Building Bridges, Breaking Down Barriers

The Nanyang EMBA (Chinese) Programme inspired Chen Dong to lead the NBS GoAlum (Gobi Alumni) Group, an interest group for alumni participating in the Gobi Desert Challenge.

Chen Dong is the CEO of Tulip Shanghai Information Technology Co Ltd and the Chairman of GoAlum Group.

As the CEO of Tulip Shanghai Information Technology Co Ltd, he leads a team of 120 to offer IT products, solutions, and services such as software development and system integration. He is also the CEO of DC Digital (Singapore) Pte Ltd, which specialises in software and application development.

Beyond business, as Chairman of the GoAlum Group, he works diligently to build a sense of community among Nanyang EMBA (Chinese) Programme Alumni. Together, they participate in industry exchanges and adventurous events like the Gobi Desert Challenge, promoting values of endurance and teamwork. Through his leadership, he has built a strong network of friendship and support among fellow Nanyang EMBA (Chinese) Programme Alumni.
Members of the GoAlum Group do more than simply share and exchange industry insights. They also come together for the Gobi Desert Challenge, a rigorous annual expedition spanning four days and three nights that requires participants to trek over 121 kilometres of demanding terrain. This event serves as a testament to endurance and teamwork, drawing participants from leading Asian business schools offering Chinese EMBA programmes.

We spoke with Chen Dong to learn more about his journey from building businesses to building bridges.

What do you enjoy about being an entrepreneur?

Being an entrepreneur requires immense focus and persistence, as success demands dedicating time, energy, and resources to achieve our goals. The journey is often unpredictable and filled with obstacles, but overcoming these challenges through proactive effort and unwavering determination makes the entrepreneurial journey incredibly fulfilling.

Your company, Tulip Shanghai Information Technology Co Ltd, established DC Digital (Singapore) Pte Ltd in 2022. Why did you choose to set up DC Digital in Singapore?

Some of our clients were shifting their Asia-Pacific headquarters or increasingly concentrating their operations in Singapore. As an IT services company, remaining close to our clients is crucial to ensuring the continuous delivery of high-quality services. With the government’s focus on developing the IT and technology sectors, we had access to the latest information from across the globe, supporting our expansion and growth.

My decision was further influenced by the Nanyang EMBA (Chinese) Programme I completed in 2015. I found Singapore to be an open, cosmopolitan, and efficient city, offering an excellent environment for both businesses and families.

For Chen Dong, the Nanyang EMBA (Chinese) Programme enhanced his grasp of entrepreneurship.

What important lessons did you learn from the Nanyang EMBA (Chinese) Programme?

It reshaped my knowledge and perception of entrepreneurship. The curriculum covered important topics like macroeconomics and microeconomics, giving me a greater understanding of business development and decision-making on a global scale. 

The overseas study tours provided valuable insights into product design, brand creation, and management. The finance and accounting modules taught me how to manage corporate cash flow effectively and plan for business growth. All these experiences significantly enhanced my business. 

You are passionate about bringing together NBS alumni in both China and Singapore. Why is this important to you?  

The programme cultivated in me a global mindset, and despite physical distances, we share a common identity as part of the global NTU Community. In March, I organised a business learning trip back to our alma mater. The trip strengthened our connections and proved highly rewarding. Alumni learned about significant recent developments at NTU and engaged in fruitful exchanges with faculty and alumni based in Singapore at Gaia, NBS’s new home. By leveraging each other's networks and resources, I am confident that we can spark new ideas and business opportunities. 

Chen Dong leads the GoAlum Group to help members thrive in both business and philanthropy.

Tell us more about the GoAlum Group.

The GoAlum Group promotes health improvement, business exploration, and philanthropy among members. We provide fitness training with renowned coaches, focusing on preparation for events like the Gobi Desert Challenge and other marathons. Business discussions cover industry insights, policies, and technical aspects, fostering personal growth and collaboration.

Our charitable endeavours include the Gobi Ankylosing Spondylitis Charity Fund, which partnered with Hanzhong Central Hospital in Shaanxi province in 2023. This initiative offers support and counselling to patients under professional medical guidance.

To Chen Dong, the Gobi Desert Challenge is a journey of self-discovery and leadership transformation.

How does your experience at Gobi Challenge contribute to your success as an entrepreneur?

Training for the Gobi Desert Challenge has instilled in me the principles of aspiration, action, perseverance, and transcendence. I embraced these principles by approaching the challenge with a mindset of exploration, implementing them through daily training, and persisting despite injuries or illness. Each day of training became a chance for self-reinvention, and my colleagues observed my transformative journey, which had an infectious impact on them. They too embraced these principles, resulting in a positive influence on the company.

As self-understanding deepens, staff productivity improves, contributing to the overall development of the company. The Gobi Desert Challenge offers a unique opportunity for individuals to reflect on how their efforts benefit the broader community.

What are the qualities of effective leadership?

To me, effective leadership is about being actively involved in the process, practising what you preach, and leading by example. Whether you’re running a business, leading a team in the Gobi Desert, or educating your children, actions speak louder than words. As the saying goes, “You jump, I jump!”

I am deeply grateful to all the GoAlum group leaders for embodying these principles through their personal commitment. Each leader diligently engages in essential service work, truly exemplifying the spirit of servant leadership.

Chen Dong would like to thank the exco members of the NTU GoAlumni Group for their silent dedication and contributions to NBS. The alumni are: Wang Hairong, Lu Yiming, Dai Yiping, Wu Xiaolong, Jin Tao, Wan Jun, Geng Xinhong, Tao Chunxing, Chen Xuefeng, Yuan Xuejun, Jin Ge, Guo Sushan, Qi Quanlong, Zhang Shanli, Zhang Niansheng, Chen Huan, Niu Jie, Huang Hui, Cao Jidong, Zhuo Lei, Huang Zhan, Wang Yongming, Xia Qianli, Yuan Ya, Han Hongjun, Ji Ling, Zhang Jie, Xu Lixia, Gao Haibo, Liu Lianghui, and Xie Congwei.

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