Published on 11 Feb 2022

Everything Adds Up When There Is Love

Daniel Chew says accountancy is a cornerstone on which businesses are built, and his daughters have followed in his footsteps to pursue the same love.

If you walk around the sprawling and undulating Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (NTU Singapore) campus, you will not miss the charming dome-shaped covered walkways that snake around it. However, not many know that the sheltered walkways, used by countless students over the years, are a lasting contribution of Daniel Chew, an alumnus of NTU’s Nanyang Business School (NBS). 

“In 1995, I met with Senior Minister Lee Kuan Yew, made a pitch and obtained his support for the sheltered walkway. We also managed to get the support of Dr Cham Tao Soon, the then President of NTU, who was present in the same meeting,” shared Daniel Chew, now a Finance Director at Shell Global Lubricants.  

While some may find this an intriguing contribution, Daniel says that it was the NBS experience that inspired him to give back to the community. It also gave him a strong foundation to perform confidently in his professional field and at the same time, a broader perspective towards life.

“NBS helped me achieve self-mastery as I learned time-management skills to become disciplined in every aspect of life. It also taught me people-mastery through the Students’ Union Leadership experience where I collaborated with schoolmates on projects, sometimes partnering with the Student Affairs Office. Further, it grounded me in professional-mastery, as I gained general broad-based knowledge from finance and non-finance topics, technical, as well as soft-skills proficiency,” said Daniel, who graduated from NBS with a First Class Honours Degree in Accountancy in 1996. 

“Such was the impact of the programme that after almost three decades from my graduation, my daughters E-Nynn and E-Shane have taken up the same programme at NBS. E-Nynn graduated from the programme in 2021 while E-Shane is a current accountancy student at NBS,” he added proudly. 

Home is where the heart is for Daniel, in the background with his wife Joanna,
aughters E-Nynn (left) and E-Shane (foreground), and son E-Dern (right)  

Building a Robust Foundation with Accountancy

Daniel believes that in a fast-evolving world where digital transformation and machine learning are transforming many professions, accountancy has been evolving as well, especially over the past few years. Major disruptions like big data and machine learning have redefined the role of accountancy today even as the profession continues to play a pivotal role in every industry.

“A strong foundation in accountancy can help to develop a mindset that goes beyond core competencies. Today, you also need to be competent in visualizing, identifying, and applying digital tools to enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of work,” said Daniel.

He also believes that the accountancy programme promotes lateral thinking skills, with a constant focus to challenge your own thinking – an important thinking habit to have in today’s dynamic setup. “Developing strong commercial acumen and business intimacy, grasping upcoming opportunities and threats, chartering new technologies and being able to weave them together – this orchestration will enable you to score a competitive edge over others,” he added. 

Daniel at his convocation in 1996 at NTU with his mother Lim Sew Lan (left),
and wife Joanna Chew (right) 

A Rigorous and Rewarding Programme

Back in his day, Daniel recalled that he could juggle his schoolwork while being active in other co-curricular activities. 

“Other than providing a strong base, NBS enabled me to balance studies with other interests in life. With 40 hours dedicated to lectures, tutorials, and homework every week, I was able to set aside sufficient time to undertake co-curricular activities, part time work (required to finance my study and support family needs), exercise, youth service, etc. This holistic programme rounded my personality and made me the person I am today,” he said.

E-Nynn, Daniel’s elder daughter who recently graduated from the same programme, feels that although the programme was rigorous, it taught her all the necessary skills to master the profession.

“I knew nothing about accountancy before joining the programme, but I took Dad’s word that while the programme is demanding, it would open doors to many opportunities as accounting plays a key role in running a business in every industry. He said acquiring accounting knowledge would enable me to have a strong foundation in decision making and business analysis – he was on point.”   

 E-Nynn at her convocation with E-Shane and E-Dern, in October 2021

Today, E-Nynn is working in one of the big-four accounting firms and is finding her way towards a successful corporate career. “Although rigorous, the Bachelor of Accountancy is a comprehensive and balanced programme offered by NBS that builds a strong foundation while providing training in other topics like audit and tax. I highly recommend it to those who have a passion for business and finance,” says E-Nynn.

Following in the footsteps of her father and older sister, E-Shane decided to pursue the accountancy degree at NBS too. The current programme has a more holistic approach and offers inter-disciplinary programmes from other schools. She is also benefiting from the NBS Mentoring Programme where she has been paired with a senior alumnus. “The mentoring sessions allow us to ask questions about accountancy such as applying classroom theories to real-life work – they are a great learning experience,” said E-Shane.

 Spending Christmas 2021 with his family at Orchard Central, Singapore  

Not Forgetting to Give Back

While he is thankful for his success today, Daniel remembers his humble beginnings where he relied on bursaries, contributions from his church, savings from army time, and part-time work during college for his education. “Because I came from a humble family and received help along the way, the best way to contribute is to pay it forward,” said Daniel. 

To that end, he has set up two bursaries – the Chew Yew Hock & Lim Sew Lan Scholarship in 2009, and the Daniel and Joanna Chew Scholarship in 2012, with a total donation of $200,000. These scholarships fund up to four bursary awards in each academic year for financially challenged students at NBS. “Setting up an endowment fund and donating to the University’s endowment bursary fund are some of the ways I honour my parents and spouse,” he revealed. 

Over the decades, Daniel has carefully maintained a fine balance between work, family, and thinking of ways to give back to society. Besides contributing to the University, he maintains a portfolio of philanthropic projects, dedicating his resources towards charitable organisations. He now has a legacy of 25 years in philanthropy.

“Lead a balanced and sustainable life while making a significant difference to those around us – this is my guiding principle in life and I hope to pass this on to my children as well as inspire the younger generation to become impactful leaders who make positive changes,” said Daniel.

To learn more about the NBS Accountancy degree, click here