Published on 04 Sep 2024

Inspiring Women to Catapult Their Careers

Having personally benefitted from mentors and a supportive network, NBS Alumna Feon Ang advocates for empowering women to reach their full potential.

With over two decades of experience in the STEM industry, LinkedIn’s Managing Director for Asia Pacific (APAC), Feon Ang, is one of the first female leaders recognised globally for leadership skills at LinkedIn.

She is passionate about paying it forward and takes a personal interest in nurturing talent, especially female talent in tech, to help other women achieve outstanding results.

We speak to her to learn about her inspirational journey, the advice she has for students and young alumni, and how being an NBS alumna has fuelled her career growth.

What are some interesting facts you can share about your career journey?

I started my career in publishing and made the switch to tech later. It was challenging but it turned out to be one of my best career decisions. I’m thankful for the supportive network, role models and mentors who guided me through my transition. I have never looked back since. Now, I want to help others.

To do so, I started a programme at LinkedIn in 2017 called ‘EmpowerIn’ to help mid-career women  grow as leaders. By offering access to leadership resources and mentors, it creates a supportive network that nurtures the next generation of female leaders to achieve their full potential. Beyond this, I also mentor young women in my personal time.


What are your top career achievements?

When I was with my previous employer Gartner, I received various awards between 2002 and 2014 for driving strong business growth. I was also one of the honourees for the 2023 “Singapore 100 Women in Tech” list. The list recognises and celebrates women in Singapore who have been inspiring and have made significant contributions to the tech industry.

It’s been rewarding to push for more diversity in the workforce by creating supportive communities, developing the best talent, and expanding professional skills for various groups including women and mothers.

What advice do you have for current NBS students and young alumni in the early stages of their careers?

Keep learning to stay relevant

With the rapid change in the skills needed for jobs, it is important to stay competitive. Explore new ideas, and perspectives. Don’t shy away from new technologies like generative AI. Instead, learn about them and see how they can help you. Be passionate about continuous learning to seek better opportunities.

Focus on soft skills such as communication, creativity, and problem-solving as well as strengthening your people skills. These will become increasingly relevant as AI takes on more of the drudgery and we’re able to focus on the collaborative and higher-value work where we as humans can really make an impact.


Embrace a growth mindset

View challenges as opportunities for growth and bounce back stronger. Setbacks can provide insights, helping us become more resilient and adaptable. Always seek opportunities to grow and improve.


Build your network

Actively engage in networking opportunities to build relationships by attending industry events and joining professional groups. Connect with mentors in your industry to tap on their wealth of knowledge and expertise for growth. These activities will expand your professional circle and provide valuable insights. They will enable you to stay updated on industry trends and connect with potential opportunities, ultimately advancing your career growth.


How has being an NTU Alumna contributed to your career growth?

I had the opportunity to tap into a vast network of like-minded professionals, industry experts, and mentors. These long-lasting relationships unlocked new avenues for my growth and development.

Also, NBS’s holistic approach to supporting alumni goes beyond academics to foster leadership qualities and soft skills which are essential for success. The various activities organised for NBS alumni and leadership opportunities have significantly honed my leadership style and strategic thinking, empowering me to lead teams effectively and drive impactful initiatives throughout my career.


How do you balance your professional life with personal interests and commitments?

Every moment counts. It entails being present and fully engaged without one role overshadowing the other.

Being a working mother, my ability to multitask is often tested, and I’ve learnt to be more adaptable and flexible. I’m thankful that my husband and children are my pillars of support.

At work, I’m also grateful for my wonderful colleagues who have placed their confidence in me and readily offer their support.

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