Published on 05 May 2022

NBS undergraduates win second place in the CapitaLand Datathon 2021

In this 2-day Datathon on Customer Analytics, final-year Business Analytics undergraduate Low Yong Zhuo won the 2nd place

In the first-ever CapitaLand Datathon conducted in December 2021, the competition saw 8 teams comprising of 19 students from National University of Singapore (NUS), Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (NTU Singapore), Singapore Management University (SMU) and Singapore University of Social Sciences (SUSS), and 22 staff supported by mentors from universities and industry experts.

In this 2-day Datathon on Customer Analytics, the teams had less than 48 hours to come up with their presentations, analysis of the data as well as a dashboard visualising our data findings, and their recommendations to increase CapitaLand's profit generating ability. The presentation was graced by the CEO of Ascott Limited, Mr Kevin Goh, MD at Accenture, Dr Ramine Tinati, and NBS Prof Neumann who were on the judging panel.

L to R: Benjamin, Trang, Yong Zhuo, Lionel, Ellyn, and Bo Hui

Despite the time constraint, NBS is proud to announce that final-year Business Analytics undergraduate Low Yong Zhuo won the 2nd place in this intense competition. “All the teams had just under 30 hours to work on the case, but I am glad our efforts paid off!” shared Yong Zhuo. He also expressed his gratitude towards his teammates Benjamin Yap, Bo Hui, Lionel Boon (CapitaLand), Ellyn Ng (NUS), Trang Pham (SMU), and his group mentor Dr. Rita Chakravarti. 

NBS undergraduate Yong Zhuo during his presentation

In a LinkedIn post shared by Mr Hwee Lim Wong, Head of Digital International at CapitaLand, “I was impressed with the quality of insights that the teams shared in their pitches despite the short time they had. The fresh perspectives that the students mentors brought to the table and the practical considerations that CapitaLand staff ensured that the recommendations are useful,” he said.