Published on 26 Jun 2024

Taking Risks to Make a Difference

NBS Nanyang MBA Alumnus Johnny Widodo switched careers to make an impact in Indonesian fintech despite the lack of experience.

Widely known as "The Strongest CEO" in Indonesia due to his passion for heavy weightlifting and the Strongman competitions, Johnny currently serves as the CEO of Ringan Teknologi Indonesia. This leading financial services enabler plays an important role in facilitating access to funds for small business owners in Southeast Asia, empowering them to grow and thrive.

We caught up with the recipient of the 2020 Nanyang Outstanding Young Alumni award, discussing his career progression, the advice he has for students, and the impact of his NBS education on his development.


Are there fun facts you can share about your career journey?

I have worked in more than 10 different industries over the last two decades. While I started out as a R&D Engineer, I went on to a wide variety of positions and gained industry and consulting experience in startup, automotive, FinTech, e-commerce, aquaculture, agritech, telco, retail-FMCG, bank, multi-finance, F&B, and manufacturing industries.

More than just scaling the corporate ladder, I look for opportunities to make a difference. I moved back to Indonesia because I saw the potential to improve the lives of Indonesians through FinTech even though I had little experience in this area.

At the same time, I actively share my expertise through various platforms. This includes being a podcast host, author, mentor for startups, NBS Alumni Advisory Board member, as well as serving as the President of the NTU Alumni Association (Indonesia).


What do you consider to be your top career achievement?

Building OVO, an Indonesian startup unicorn offering digital payment, in under 18 months has been one of my greatest accomplishments.

The opportunity came in 2015 and I was excited to be involved in what could potentially transform the lives of Indonesians across the archipelago. Despite having to give up my plans to settle in Singapore and a lack of experience in the FinTech industry, I convinced the founders that I was determined to succeed and work hard. I explained that when I commit to doing something, I double down and give 200%.

Transitioning to a new industry wasn’t easy. It was a steep learning curve, but with the support of my team, we beat the odds and built OVO into Indonesia’s leading digital payment platform, available on 115 million devices and accepted in more than 300 cities.


What career advice do you have for current NBS students and young alumni in the early stages of their careers?

First, take risks whenever you can and learn from your failures.

Embrace mistakes — failure and suffering foster resilience. Cultivate portable skills with a long-term, holistic view. Always ask how you can do things better. This process of continuous improvement shouldn’t stop.

Second, don’t compare; everyone has his or her own journey.

Focus on what you excel in. Take ownership in getting things done. Great ideas require action. Work on step-by-step improvement with a clear vision of your objectives and deadlines to pave the way to success.


Third, be disciplined in your time management and prioritise.

Work on what really matters and learn to say no. Saying yes to everything just to make everyone happy has consequences. You might end up working needlessly, with none of your hard work paying off. Don’t confine yourself to just your own area of work — be a team player by listening, so as to understand your colleagues and collaborate effectively.


How has being an NBS Alumnus contributed to your career growth?

I have benefitted immensely from the extensive network of alumni members across industries and countries. It has provided valuable business contacts and partnerships. Through this, I gained knowledge and a global perspective.

As an NBS Alumni Advisory Board member, I shape the NBS roadmap for more relevant activities and courses, enabling mutual growth. Staying updated on the latest developments enhances my leadership effectiveness.