
A research-intensive university in Singapore, Nanyang Technological University (NTU) is world’s TOP Young University in both 2024 Time Higher Education (THE) and 2024 QS Rankings. NTU was ranked at 4th position In THE Asian University Rankings, and at 26th position in QS World University Ranking with a total of 10 (33) subjects ranked among the 2024 QS top 10 (50) in the world. Its main campus is often listed as one of the top ten most beautiful campuses in the world. NTU has 33,000 undergraduate and graduate students distributed across the College of Engineering, Nanyang Business School, College of Data Science and Computing, College of Science, College of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences, and Graduate School.

About The Centre for Augmented and Virtual Reality (CAVR)

NTU’s CAVR is a world-class academic center for interdisciplinary, cross-research, and application development in Singapore. A top-notch laboratory with advanced technical equipment, CAVR has close and in-depth cooperations with industry and international research institutions. Over the years, it hosted many international conferences including the prestigious IEEE Mixed and Augmented Reality Conference ISMAR’2022 in Singapore. Its main research includes but is not limited to Virtual Reality (VR) & Augmented Reality (AR), Artificial Intelligence (AI), Robotics, 3D Printing. CAVR is also an important training base for global talents to perform cutting-edge research and innovation.

Summer School Program

To help young students better preparing them for the fast-changing future, CAVR has designed a series of short training courses in AI, VR & AR, Robotics, 3D Printing, etc. From 15 to 22 July 2024, CAVR will host a Short Training Program and International Research Camp in NTU campus on Global Advanced AI and Computer Technology. The aim of the program is to help participants from all over the world embracing the cutting-edge technology, discussing the latest trend of research, development and innovation, and planning ahead for future learning and career development. Participants will have chances to work on team-based research projects in different areas under the supervision of CAVR academic members. At the end of the project, participants will be issued a Certificate of Completion. The winning teams of the research projects will receive Best Team Awards.

NTU Website:

NTU Campus Map Query

NTU’s Data Science and Artificial Intelligence, and Computer Science & Information System were ranked 8th and 9th in the 2024 QS Global Subject Rankings, respectively. CAVR offers short training courses in this two fields, particularly related to AI, VR & AR, Robotics, 3D Printing, etc.   


Core Value of the Training Program

The Program will be conducted by world class experts specifically selected from CAVR faculty in NTU. Participants will attend focused seminars, join group discussions, visit NTU laboratories, and interact with students, researchers, and professors in campus. They will be guided by CAVR faculty to do team projects addressing some of the global challenges today.

Some of training course designed: AI, and Advanced AI | Robotics & Applications | VR, AR, & Metaverse | 3D Printing | Digital Twin | Cybersecurity

Selected Instructors


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Details of 2024 CAVR Summer School Program


Day 1: Arrival in Singapore

Day 2: Introduction to AI Concepts, Technology Applications, and Future Trends

Briefing of The Training Program and Team Project

Artificial Intelligence History, and State-of-the-art of AI

AI Technology Applications

AI Future Trends

Day 3: Virtual and Augmented Reality for Science and Engineering

Research and applications of Virtual and Augmented Reality

Virtual & Augmented Reality Technology-enhanced Learning in NTU

Exploring VR Lab Practical Innovation Projects

Day 4: Effective Presentations and Communications at international Academic Conferences

Selection of a good international conference

Submission of international conference papers

Presentation at international conference

Day 5: Principles, Applications, Development, and Future Trends of 3D Printing Technology

Introduction to 3D Printing

Enabling Technology of 3D Printing

Materials in 3D Printing

Visit to 3D Printing Lab

Day 6: Understanding Better of NTU

Visit to NTU's HIVE Center

Meet Face to Face with Outstanding NTU Graduate Students

Day 7: Final Project Presentation

Group Presentations, Professor Reviews & Comments,

Selection of outstanding groups and students, Awards Ceremony for the 2024 CAVR Summer School,

Visit to National University of Singapore (NUS) and Utown Campus

Day 8: Departure

Visit To Jewel @ Changi

Note: All courses are held at NTU main campus. CAVR reserves the right to adjust the course schedule and faculty.


Upon completing this training program, participants will receive:

  1. A completion certificate endorsed by CAVR in NTU (see sample below),
  2. Excellent students may be invited to apply for CAVR internships through NTU’s formal GEMS system,
  3. Outstanding students may receive recommendation letter from the CAVR faculty, and
  4. A best student may be recommended to apply CSC scholarship for exchange or even PhD study in NTU.

Winners of the project teams will additionally receive:

     5. A Certificate of Best Project Team awarded by CAVR (see sample below)



Program Facilities

Accommodation: Participants will stay in star-rated hotels with air-conditioned double rooms and independent bathrooms (Self-funded),

Medical: Any participants unwell will be accompanied by a student assistant to visit suitable clinic (Self-funded),

Transportation: The pick-up and drop-off service between Singapore Airport, Hotel and NTU will be provided (Self-funded),

Shuttle buses are freely available on NTU campus.

Insurance: All participants will be provided personal accident insurance (Self-funded),

Catering: Daily meals are served in 16 cafeterias in NTU campus, with an average cost of 4-8 Singapore dollars (Self-funded),

Note: All necessary arrangement above during the training program will be on a self-funding basis.

Targeted Participants

Undergraduate (first, second, and third-year students) majoring in Computer Science, Software Engineering, Network Security, Information Engineering, Electronics, Automation, etc., with strong foundation courses completed, and good computer programming skill.



The Summer School is now open for registration.

Deadline of Registration: June 15, 2024.

Contact Email: [email protected]

Mailing Address:

Centre for Augmented and Virtual Reality (CAVR)


50 Nanyang Avenue, Nanyang Technological University

Singapore 639798