Published on 01 Jul 2020

CDPT has secured five NRF major grants


CDPT has secured five major National Research Foundation (NRF) grants under the 23d Competitive Research Programme (CRP) grant call.


Statement from Prof. Nikolay Zheludev, CDPT Director

I am delighted that the Centre for Disruptive Photonics (CDPT) at The Photonics Institute (TPI) has secured three major National Research Foundation (NRF) grants under the 23rd Competitive Research Programme (CRP) grant call. Collectively the proposals led by Ranjan Singh, Baile Zhang and Nikolay Zheludev will bring S$24M of competitive research funding to Nanyang Technological University. All three research Programmes will develop new ideas in topological photonics into practical technologies for telecommunication, lasers and microscopy.  The conceptual base for all tree CRP projects has been developed within the current Ministry of Education (MoE) Tier 3 Programme on “Quantum and Topological Nanophotonics” at CDPT. The recently announced grants complement the last year success of  Weibo Gao, also a Tier 3 programme PI, who secured S$6M CRP funding for developing spintronics quantum technologies.

The CDPT accomplishment illustrating a perfect and timely transition from the blue-sky fundamental research supported by the MoE Tier 3 Programme to application-driven research of the NRF RCP programmes.

NRF-funded major CDPT grants:

"On-chip Terahertz Topological Photonics for 6G communication"
Ranjan Singh, A. S. Madhukumar, A. Alphones, Yidong Chong and Wang Nan

"Active topological photonics towards robust lasers and efficient sensors"
Baile Zhang, Chong Yidong, Wang Qijie, Luo Yu and Sun Handong

"Deeply Subwavelength Superoscillatory Imaging"
Nikolay Zheludev, Zexiang Shen and Bo An

"The next generation of spintronics with 2D heterostructures"
Weibo Gao, Elbert Chia, Zheng Liu and Shengyuan Yang

"Superconducting Nanowire Single Photon Detectors"
Cesare Soci and Christian Kurtsiefer