CN Yang Scholars Programme (CNYSP)

Single Degree | Single Degree with 2nd Major | Special Programme

Programme Type


CN Yang Scholars Programme

[email protected]

The CNYSP nurtures future leaders at the interface of science and engineering, with a focus on technological innovation and scientific communication.  

Empowered by a strong science and engineering training, the multidisciplinary courses in mathematics, research, making-and-tinkering, internship and global learning prepare students to lead in the next phase of technological evolution. Scholars will embark on this unique journey which truly embrace the spirits of innovation, persistence and social capital, allowing them to make impact in a diverse range of careers they wish to embrace in the future.


  • Scholarship Opportunity
  • Multi-Disciplinary Curriculum
  • Overseas Final Year Project
  • Overseas Learning Trip
  • Global Exchange Experience
  • Innovation Driven Projects
  • Journal publication with award
  • Guaranteed Hall Stay (Online hall application is required)
  • Peer Support System
  • Meeting World Class Leaders in Science and Engineering
  • Joint PhD at NTU/Overseas University (optional)


    Applicant must possess outstanding Singapore-Cambridge GCE 'A' level, Local Polytechnic Diploma, NUS High School Diploma, IB Diploma or equivalent qualifications.

    For a successful application, the applicant must be enrolled in any of the following courses at NTU:


    Science and Engineering

    • Aerospace Engineering
    • Bioengineering
    • Biological Sciences
    • Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering
    • Chemistry & Biological Chemistry
    • Civil Engineering
    • Computer Engineering
    • Computer Science
    • Electrical & Electronic Engineering
    • Environmental Earth Systems Science
    • Environmental Engineering
    • Information Engineering & Media
    • Materials Engineering
    • Mathematical Sciences
    • Mechanical Engineering
    • Physics & Applied Physics

    Second Major:

    • Second Major in Data Analytics from the above courses
    • Second Major in Sustainability from the above courses


     **CN Yang Scholars are not eligible for the following programmes:

    • University Scholars Programme (USP)
    • Integrated Programme (BSc & MSc) from the School of Biological Sciences and School of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
    • Integrated Programmes from Schools of Engineering
    • Double Degree Programmes
    • Double Major Programmes
    • Programmes with Business Major
    • Programmes with Business Minor

    For the full list of CN Yang Scholars Programme core courses for Science & Engineering programmes, please click here.

    For the latest CN Yang Scholars Programme curriculum updates for Science & Engineering programmes, please click here.

    Majority of them are working in public sectors and research-related fields. We also have scholars pursuing their graduate studies.
    Terms and Conditions of the CN Yang Scholars Programme:
    • Maintain a minimum Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of 3.5. The CNYSP Director will counsel any scholar whose CGPA falls below 3.5 for the first time. A scholar who fails to meet the minimum CGPA for the second consecutive semester after counselling will not be allowed to continue with the CN Yang Scholars Programme.
    • Participate actively in most activities organized by the CNYSP office.
    • Required to take on the role of student ambassador, or any other similar role, representing the university to give publicity talks, to receive guests, etc., as and when called upon to do so.
    • Scholars' CNYSP candidature may be withdrawn at any time if, in the opinion of the University, the scholar's progress or behaviour is deemed unsatisfactory.

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