Published on 08 Dec 2021

Professor Adrian Law Wing Keung – Appointed as Singapore Representative to chair the ASEAN Hydroinformatics Data Centre (AHC)

Prof Adrian Law has been appointed as Singapore Representative to chair the ASEAN Hydroinformatics Data Centre (AHC) from 1 Jan 2022 to 31 Dec 2023.

ASEAN COSTI (Committee on Science, Technology & Innovation) established the AHC in 2017 to support data connectivity among the ASEAN’s water, weather and disaster related agencies. Aiming to deal with climate change, AHC is a data-driven initiative to enrich the significance of Information Technology (IT) tools to integrate data from various available sources within the ASEAN region. The centralized information will enhance the accuracy of existing forecasting systems which will benefit to all related partners. AHC also focuses on the implementation and dissemination of the outcomes by generating actionable learnings and promoting practical uses of IT at community level to increase community participations on disaster awareness and preparedness. 

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