第一场演讲主讲人:唐根基博士 Dr Herman
唐根基博士 Dr Herman
讲题 Topic
本研究以定性定量研究法相结合,以文献研究、实地考察、访问等形式对印度尼西亚巨港市华文教育简史、现状与问题进行了专题研究,并调查了66 所华文教育机构和访问了83 位华文老师。研究发现,开设中文课的正规学校包括15 所幼儿园、23 所小学学校、16 所初中学校、10 所高中学校和2 所高校,有的将中文课设为学校必修课、选修课和课外课程,有的设为校内特有课程。巨港市目前拥有约211 位中文老师,其教材以中国大陆、中国台湾、新加坡、马来西亚出版为主,少数学校使用自己编写的教材。巨港市华文教育主要面临三大问题,即缺乏专业华文教师,教师薪资问题,教材未本土化,而目前巨港市华文教育逐渐迈入本土化,华文教育走向规范化。
Research on the Current Status, Issues, and Development of Chinese Education in Palembang City, Indonesia
This study employs a combination of qualitative and quantitative research methods to conduct a specialized investigation into the historical background, current status, and issues of Chinese education in Palembang City, Indonesia.
The research was carried out through literature review, on-site observations, and interviews. A total of 66 Chinese educational institutions were surveyed, and 83 Chinese language teachers were interviewed. The findings reveal that formal schools offering Chinese language courses include 15 kindergartens, 23 primary schools, 16 secondary high schools, 10 high schools, and 2 universities. Chinese language courses are offered as mandatory, elective, or extracurricular activities, depending on the institution. Presently, Palembang City has around 211 Chinese language teachers, and the teaching materials predominantly originate from mainland China, Taiwan, Singapore, and Malaysia, with a few schools using self-developed materials.
Chinese education in Palembang City faces three main challenges: a shortage of specialized Chinese language teachers, teacher salary issues, and non-localized teaching materials. However, there is a gradual shift towards localization and standardization of Chinese education in the city.