歌唱嗓音课程- 如何拥有一副美丽的嗓音 Sing with Freedom

07 Mar 2023 at 02.00 PM - 14 Mar 2023 at 05.00 PM Public

*50 岁或以上新加坡籍乐龄人士可享用NSA津贴
开课日期:2023年 3 月 14 日(星期二),下午2pm- 5pm 华语讲解

*T&C apply

Sing with Freedom
A singing workshop that aims to free up your singing voice, enrich your tone, resonance, stamina and ease of vocal production. In this workshop, you will experience the McClosky Technique, a simple series of relaxation exercises and steps for correct postural alignment that can improve the singing voice.


Join us in this 3-hour workshop on 7 March at 2- 5pm (in English)

*Singaporeans aged 50 years or above can enjoy NSA subsidy
*T&C apply