第八场演讲主讲人:陈燕娜女士  Ms Ng Ina


陈燕娜女士 Ms Ng Ina


讲题 Topic


印度尼西亚总统B.J.哈比比(B.J. Habibie)于1999年发布了第4号总统令,而阿布杜尔拉赫曼·瓦希德总统(Abdurrahman Wahid)于2000年发布了第6号总统令。这两项总统令废除了1967年第14号总统令后,印尼华人再次获得了进行文化活动的权利,包括学习中文。从那时起,开设中文课程的学校也逐渐增多。在西加省,中文教学可以分为两大类,即学历中文教学和非学历中文教学,教学对象的年龄范围从幼儿到成人。随着中资企业在印尼的投资增加以及中文在国际语言中的地位提高,年轻人对学习中文的需求也越来越高。本研究将通过文献调查和采访来描述西加省中文教学的现状,包括学校数量、教材使用情况、汉语水平考试情况、展示中文水平的平台以及孔子学院在当地所扮演的角色。同时,研究还将关注目前西加省中文教学所面临的困难和挑战。研究的重点将放在坤甸市的中文教学现状上,并通过实地考察总结出西加省中文教学的特点和优点。


Brief Overview of Chinese Language Teaching in West Kalimantan Province 

Indonesian President B.J. Habibie issued Presidential Decree No. 4 in 1999, and President Abdurrahman Wahid issued Presidential Decree No. 6 in 2000. These two presidential decrees abolished Presidential Decree No. 14 of 1967, reinstating the rights of the Indonesian Chinese community to engage in cultural activities, including learning Chinese. Since then, the number of schools offering Chinese language courses has gradually increased. In West Kalimantan Province, Chinese language education can be divided into two main categories: formal and informal instruction, targeting individuals of all ages from young children to adults. With the increasing investment of Chinese businesses in Indonesia and the rising global significance of the Chinese language, there is a growing demand among young people to learn Chinese. This study aims to describe the current state of Chinese language education in West Kalimantan Province through literature reviews and interviews. It will cover aspects such as the number of schools offering Chinese language courses, the use of teaching materials, the status of Chinese language proficiency exams, platforms for showcasing Chinese language proficiency, and the role of Confucius Institutes in the region. Additionally, the research will focus on the difficulties and challenges currently faced by Chinese language education in West Pontianak Province, with a particular emphasis on the situation in Pontianak City. The study aims to summarize the characteristics and advantages of Chinese language education in West Kalimantan Province through on-site investigations.