Research Seminar by Zhenyu Yan from CUHK

19 Jun 2024 01.30 PM - 02.45 PM Current Students, Industry/Academic Partners

Title: Towards General Intelligence Wearable Sensing Technologies

Time: 1:30pm-2:45pm, June 19th Wednesday 2024
Venue: CCDS Meeting Room (N4-02a-35)

Abstract: Enhanced by the advancements in AI and embedded computing technologies, we now witness a new generation of wearable systems that harness multi-modal data for general intelligent applications. This talk will delve into a series of novel sensing systems and edge-computing technologies for intelligent applications.

Bio: Dr. Zhenyu Yan is a Research Assistant Professor at The Chinese University of Hong Kong. Dr. Yan has extensive experience in sensing systems, signal and information processing, cyber-physical systems, and machine learning in IoT systems. His works have been published in top international conferences and journals, such as MobiCom, SenSys, IPSN, IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, and ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks. He is the recipient of the Kan Tong Po International Fellowship from the Royal Society in the UK and the Rising Star Award (Early Career Award) from ACM SIGBED China. His papers also received the Best Community Contributions Award at ACM MobiCom 2023, the Best Paper Award Runner-up at ACM MobiCom 2022, and the Best Artifact Award Runner-up at ACM/IEEE IPSN 2021.


Host: Rui Tan