Seminar by Assoc Prof JeongGil Ko from Yonsei University, 06 Aug 2024, CCDS Meeting Room
Time: 10-11:30am, August 6th Tuesday, 2024
Venue: CCDS Meeting Room (N4-02a-35)
Title: Migrating the Intelligence from the Cloud to Users - Mobile AI: From On-device Training to Federated Learning
With the rapid advancements in mobile sensing and computing technology, there is a surge of innovative intelligent applications that monitor and manage our daily lives ubiquitously. Traditional mobile sensing/computing applications used to collect user information locally and transmit data to a more powerful server for intelligent data processing operations. However, more recent developments showcase a shift towards a more localized and personalized approach. This involves processing data collected locally on user devices, enhancing efficiency, and prioritizing privacy. This talk will delve into the applications driving this paradigm shift, bringing intelligence from the cloud to user devices. Additionally, we will explore novel machine learning frameworks supporting localized intelligence experiences. This includes introducing mechanisms to reduce model complexity, enabling memory-efficient on-device model training, and facilitating efficient federated learning.
JeongGil Ko is an associate professor in the School of Integrated Technology, College of Computing and the Department of Biomedical Systems Informatics, College of Medicine at Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea. He is also an adjunct professor at the Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH) Graduate School of Artificial Intelligence, and is a Guest Professor at Keio University, Japan. From 2022 to 2024, JeongGil has served a two-year term as the Associate Vice President for Information and Communications at Yonsei University. JeongGil received his B.Eng. in Computer Science and Engineering from Korea University (2007) and received his Ph.D. in Computer Science from the Johns Hopkins University (2012) and was with the Department of Computer Science, Stanford University as a visiting researcher in 2010. Prior to joining Yonsei, he was a senior researcher at the Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) from 2012 to 2015 and was an assistant professor at the Department of Software and Computer Engineering at Ajou University (2015-2019). He is a recipient of the Abel Wolman Fellowship awarded by the Whiting School of Engineering at the Johns Hopkins University and a senior member of the ACM and IEEE. JeongGil has served on the program committee for many top conferences in the mobile and ubiquitous computing field (ACM MobiCom, MobiSys, SenSys, IEEE PerCom in particular), was the technical program chair for ACM UbiComp 2022 and the general chair for ACM MobiSys 2024. He also serves on the editorial board for renown academic journals including the Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies (IMWUT) , IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (TMC), and IEEE Transactions on Quantum Engineering (TQE). JeongGil's research interests are in the general area of developing mobile/embedded sensing systems and applications with ambient intelligence.