SCSE Alumni Personal Growth Talk – Market Outlook for 2019 @ NTU Alumni House (Marina Square)
The School of Computer Science and Engineering (SCSE) alumni and their guests gathered together on 16th March 2019 for the SCSE Alumni Personal Growth Talk – Market Outlook held @ NTU Alumni House (Marina Square).
SCSE Assoc Chair (Students), Assoc Prof Quek Hiok Chai and SCSE Asst Chair (Alumni and Outreach), Prof Cong Gao attended and graced the event. The event was aimed at strengthening the bond and network amongst the alumni and for them to learn about the
potential investment opportunities in current property market. It drew over 50 strong participant attendance.
The event kick-started with Assoc Prof Quek to thank the alumni and for their continual support for the past SCSE alumni events & activities. He also updated the alumni on the latest happenings at SCSE.
The speakers for the talk were:
- Mr Li Jianggan
Founder & CEO, Momentum Works
- Mr Martin Du
Associate District Director, Propnex Realty Pte Ltd
- Dr Teoh Teik Toe
Senior Lecturer, NTU Nanyang Business School
The moderator was:
Mr Meng Yang, Andy (CS, Class of 2012)
SCSE Alumni Association
Honorary General Secretary
Mr Li Jianggan shared about his market predictions for Southeast Asia for 2019. Mr Martin Du talked about the importance of ‘entry price’ and how to identify potential investment opportunities. Dr Teoh Teik Toe shared about the emerging market
economics in 2019 and how AI could potentially be the future of investment management.
The SCSE Alumni and their guests enjoyed the sharing session and posed several questions to the speakers. Prof Cong Gao presented tokens of appreciation to the distinguished speakers to end off the session. Many of them stayed on to chat and continue to learn from the speakers.