CRADLEConnects 2023 -Networking for Interdisciplinary Research

CRADLE Connects 2023 -networking for Interdisciplinary Research was a successful event held on 15th May 2023. CRADLE Fellows and colleagues from INSPIRE and RSO networked over tea to learn about NTU's research direction and upcoming grant opportunities in the areas of Future Learning and Education. Associate Vice President (Humanities, Social Sciences and Research) Prof Shirley Ho provided an overview of NTU2025 research directions. Dr Preman Rajalingam (Director, CTLP) shared valuable insights on how research ideas can be conceptualized for tertiary research grant applications and Prof Trevor Yu, Co-Director of CRADLE highlighted how CRADLE can partner with the NTU academic community for research and development in learning. Participants also discussed research themes: Developing interdisciplinary education, Leveraging technology to personalise learning, Meeting the diverse needs of students, Preparing Students for the Future Economy, and Enabling Learning and Wellbeing Across the Lifespan. It was a fruitful session and participants gained new ideas, perspectives and potential interdisciplinary research partnerships.
Visit the link to watch the video here