Published on 06 May 2024

CradleConnects: Advancements in Brain Imaging: Looking into the Brain from Structure to Function

At the recent CradleConnects event, attendees were treated to groundbreaking insights into the latest advancements in brain imaging technology. The event featured two distinguished speakers who delved into the intricacies of understanding the brain from both its structural and functional perspectives.

Prof. Kenichi Oishi took the stage to introduce the revolutionary OpenMAP suite—a cutting-edge deep-learning approach designed to finely parcellate gray and white matter structures, and even with the brains with pathological lesions. With impressive results showcased, Prof. Oishi demonstrated the accuracy of OpenMAP, emphasizing its applications in T1, T2-FLAIR and diffusion images. The audience engaged in a lively discussion, exploring potential avenues for further utilization and enhancement of this remarkable software.

Following Prof. Oishi's presentation, Dr. Florence L. Chiang captivated the audience with her insights into functional network modeling and microstructural imaging in multiple sclerosis (MS). Dr. Chiang showed the clinical applications of meta-analysis techniques in understanding MS pathology, accompanied by latest MRI acquisition examples from her institute. The audience was inspired by the depth of knowledge shared, providing valuable learning experiences for all attendees.

 In summary, the CradleConnects event in May drew an audience of 33 attendees including NTU/NIE students, staff and researchers. This event served as a platform for intellectual exchange and exploration, shedding light on the forefront of brain imaging advancements and their profound implications for both research and clinical practice.