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​​​​NTU and Desay SV to jointly develop cyber security solutions for automotive sector

Mar 17, 2021, 15:06 PM
Title : ​​​​NTU and Desay SV to jointly develop cyber security solutions for automotive sector
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Published date : Mar 27, 2018, 00:00 AM
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (NTU Singapore) is partnering leading automotive electronics developer Desay SV Automotive (Desay SV) to develop innovative solutions for mitigating cyber security threats faced by the automotive industry.

With increased connectivity and innovation involved in the development of autonomous vehicles, the risk of cyberattacks also rises. The partnership aims to develop new technologies to make automotive electronics, such as in-vehicle infotainment and advanced driver assistance systems, more cyber secure.

NTU and Desay SV will leverage future technology and innovation to develop robust cyber security and cyber resilience in every stage of product design and development.

Both parties will also develop novel methods in three areas. These are in secure embedded processing and communication, or the development of additional security measures; vulnerability analysis for cyber hardening, which is the removal of inherent weaknesses in a system that could be exploited; and security testing for autonomous vehicles.

At today’s CyberTech Asia Conference at Suntec Singapore Convention and Exhibition Centre, a Memorandum of Understanding was signed by Professor Thambipillai Srikanthan, Executive Director of the Cyber Security Research Centre @ NTU (CYSREN), and Mr Azmoon Ahmad, Senior Vice-President and Member of the Executive Management of Desay SV Automotive.

Mr Inderjit Singh, a member of NTU’s Board of Trustees, Professor Lam Khin Yong, NTU Vice President (Research), Mr Tan Choon Lim, Executive Chairman of Desay SV Automotive and Mr Gao Dapeng, CEO of Desay SV Automotive, witnessed the signing ceremony.

Prof Lam Khin Yong said, “With the ongoing development of autonomous vehicle technologies on the NTU Smart Campus, we already have a good idea of how it will change our lives in the near future. The growth of autonomous vehicles is set to have a significant impact in the way we travel. But this will also bring new challenges and demands. 

“That is why this collaboration with Desay SV is very timely, building on NTU’s deep expertise in artificial intelligence (AI), cyber security and smart transportation to develop innovative cyber secure capabilities for the automotive industry.”

Mr Tan Choon Lim said, “Desay SV is focused in ensuring our future by investing in the new and upcoming technologies. We have been, and will continue to spend a significant amount in our R&D.

“We are aware that we cannot do all by ourselves. Desay SV is ready to open and explore opportunities outside and beyond China. And that is also the secondary reason why we are here today, to forge and explore possibilities to cooperate, collaborate and partner with technology players and institutions. And we will have one today, with NTU.”

This R&D collaboration will be led by NTU’s CYSREN which has an extensive knowledge base in the interdisciplinary capabilities of cyber security.

Latest industry partners in cyber security for NTU

NTU is ranked the world’s top university in AI research citations by Nikkei and Elsevier and the NTU Smart Campus is a living testbed of the latest transportation technologies of the future developed with partners like BMW, Volvo, BlueSG and SMRT.

NTU has also partnered leading industry players in cyber security research and development such as BAE Systems, a provider of some of the world’s most advanced, technology-led defence, aerospace and security solutions. The partnership, which was signed in February 2016, aims to jointly develop next-generation cyber security solutions to meet the challenges posed by the increasing prevalence of cyber security attacks.

AIA Insurance also entered a partnership with NTU in August 2015 to develop cyber-secure solutions for digital health. 

Established in 1986, Desay SV, which is listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange, is based in Huizhou, China. It specialises in the development of automotive electronics, is the latest leading industry name to partner NTU.. The company has R&D facilities in China, Germany, Japan and Singapore.

Desay SV has strong partnerships with well-known vehicle manufacturers and is a leading name in the Chinese automotive electronics industry. Its customers also include Mazda, Nissan, Skoda, Toyota and Volvo.

News Source: NTU Media​​

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  • Industry
MOU signing between NTU and Desay SV Automotive