Make a gift to NTU

Your philanthropic support is vital in enabling NTU Singapore to find solutions to global problems and to nurture future leaders and create societal impact through interdisciplinary education and research. Whether you make a gift to the NTU General Endowment Fund or pledge a gift to support an NTU school of your choice, your philanthropy adds up to help the University in a wide array of impactful ways.

There are four key philanthropic areas that you can support NTU in.


Support Student Education

Through establishing bursaries, scholarships and awards, donors play a part in shaping the future of higher education.


School and Centre Advancement

Support the continuous development of various schools and colleges, institutes and research centres at the University.

Student Life

Student Life and Development

A complete education goes beyond the classroom. Help NTU provide an optimal and innovative learning environment for our students, faculty and staff, and support student activities and projects that build character and cultivate life skills.


Faculty and Research

Boost NTU's ability to attract and retain world-leading academics who nurture students towards holistic excellence. These academics also work to transform their research into potential discoveries and inventions that shape the world’s future.

Every gift, no matter the size, helps create opportunities and drives progress in education and beyond.