XRD Bruker D8 Advance
FACTS N4.1 B4-10
A dedicated X-ray diffractometer for the structural analysis of polycrystalline samples
Powder, thin film and bulk samples.
The diffractometer is configured in reflection mode and in Bragg-Brentano geometry. It is optimised to collect XRD patterns with high intensity for accurate phase ID and quantification.
- Cu-Kα radiation operated at 40kV and 40mA
- Vertical high precision goniometer
- 1D type detector: The LynxEye 1-dimensional detector is based on silicon strip detector technology capable of collecting at a high count rate. High quality data with high intensity can be collected in a short time
- Batch sample automatic loader
- Beam knife attachment for data collection with low background at low 2Theta angle
- X-ray diffraction analysis of crystalline materials for phase ID, quantification, micro-structure analysis and crystal structure refinement/determination