
XRD Bruker Smart Apex II

FACTS XRD room at N4.1 B4-10

Single crystal X-ray diffraction

For single crystal diffraction analysis. It has a 3-axis goniometer with a fixed chi system and is capable of cooling the sample to 100 K. The diffracted X-rays are collected using a 2D area detector. It can automatically collect refined series of 2D diffraction data for structure determination of single crystals.
Mo-Kα radiation operated at 50kV and 30mA
Point collimated beam
High-precision horizontal goniometer base with 2theta, omega and phi drives, and a fixed chi.
APEX II CCD detector with a four-port readout of a 4096 by 4096 CCD chip
Video microscope to aid the sample alignment 
Low temperature cooling attachment providing sample cooling to 100K by blowing cold nitrogen gas
  • Crystal structure determination