

FESEM for high-resolution imaging with attachments for additional capabilities

It is also equipped with an EDX detector for composition analysis, EBSD for orientation mapping, TED for transmission mode imaging and an EBL system for nanostructuring.
An SEM operated with a field-emission (FE) gun for high resolution imaging and stable gun conditions. 

Resolution: 1.5 nm
Accelerating Voltage: 0.1 to 30 kV
Magnification: 25x to 1,000,000x
Electron Source: Thermal FEG
X-ray Analysis: INCA - XAct 10mm2 / XMax 50mm2 (TED)

*Two JEOL 7600F FESEMS are available. The second unit has a Transmission Electron Detector (TED), Electron Back Scattering Detector (EBSD) and Electron Beam Lithography (EBL) system.

The Raith ELPHY Plus EBL system has an external pattern generator that can work at the frequency of 12 MHz with minimum dwell time increment of 1 nsec, and 0.1 nm addressing increment for exposures. The writing field is 100 mm - 1mm and has a resolution of < 50 nm.  

  • High-resolution imaging
  • EDX elemental composition analysis
  • Crystal orientation mapping
  • Electron beam lithography