JEOL 7800F Prime


FACTS at N4.1 B4-10

FESEM for high resolution imaging, with capabilities for high-speed EDX and EBSD analysis

Capable of very fast EDX and EBSD data collection and analysis
FESEM system for high resolution imaging equipped with multiple detectors for additional capabilities
Resolution: 0.7 nm
Accelerating Voltage: 0.01 to 30 kV
Magnification: 10x to 1,000,000x
Electron source: Thermal FEG
X-ray analysis: Aztec – Ultim Max 170mm2

Other attachments: Symmetric EBSD detector, TED, low vacuum (LV) SED & BED
  • High-resolution imaging
  • EBSD data collection and analysis
  • EDX elemental composition analysis