Rigaku Smartlab thin film XRD

Rigaku Smartlab Thin Film XRD

FACTS N4.1 B4-10

A dedicated diffractometer for various thin film XRD applications.

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The diffractometer is designed for thin film XRD applications such as GIXRD, HRXRD, XRR, orientation mapping and high-throughput XRD mapping. 
X-ray source: Cu Ka LFF (2.2 kW)

Primary optics: CBO (set in parallel beam)
Incident optics configurations: line beam, point focus (CBO-f), monochromator (Ge(220), Ge(440), Ge(400)), In-plane (In-plane PSC), Collimators (0.1 ~ 0.8 mm)
Diffracted optics: receiving soller slit, parallel slit analyzer, HyRES220

Sample stages: Eulerian cradle, X-Y mapping (4-inch wafer size), observation camera, in-situ heating-cooling stages (DHS1100, DCS600) 

Detector: HyPix-3000 SL system (0D, 1D, 2D)

Goniometer: standard goniometer, In-plane goniometer
1. X-ray reflectivity (XRR)
2. Grazing incident XRD (GIXRD)
3. High resolution XRD (HRXRD)
4. Reciprocal space map (RSM)
5. Grazing incident In-plane XRD analysis
6. Orientation map or Pole figure
7. Residual stress analysis
8. High throughput XRD experiment
9. In-situ heating/cooling