XRD Shimadzu XRD-6000
FACTS XRD room at N4.1 B4-10
X-ray diffractometer for polycrystalline materials
Powder, bulk and thin film samples.
The powder XRD configuration is in the Bragg-Brentano geometry and can be used for 2theta-theta scans. The thin film XRD configuration is in parallel geometry and can be used for GIXRD and 2theta-theta scan.
- Cu-Kα radiation operated at 40 kV and 30 mA
- Detector: 0D type, Scintillation counter (Scintillator: NaI)
- Kβ radiation is removed by a graphite monochromator located on the diffracted side
- HV/PHA: High voltage power supply 500 to 1200V
- High speed and high precision vertical goniometer
- Powder XRD: theta-2theta scan mode
- Thin film XRD: 2theta scan mode (fixed theta)
- X-ray diffraction analysis of crystalline materials for phase ID, quantification, micro-structure analysis and crystal structure refinement/determination