Environmental SEM Thermo Scientific Quattro S
FACTS at N4.1 B4-10
Environmental SEM Thermo Scientific Quattro S
- Environmental SEM / Low vacuum mode possible - for samples that cannot be in vacuum mode or with minimal sample preparation e.g. wet samples; non-conductive samples
- X-ray elemental analysis with both X-ray wavelength and energy dispersive spectroscopy (WDS/EDS)
- Large chamber for in-situ experiments
- Large area mapping/montages for secondary and/or backscattered electron imaging
- 52 pin feed through for biasing work
- Heating stage for heating experiments up to 1,400 °C
- Possible imaging of hydrated material e.g. hydrogels
- X,Y dimensions: 110 × 110 mm
- Motorised Z: 65 mm
- Tilt: -15° / +90°
- Max. sample height: clearance 85 mm to eucentric point (10 mm)
- 500 g in any stage position (up to 2 kg at 0° tilt)
- 122 mm diameter with full X,Y, rotation (larger samples possible with limited stage travel or rotation)
- Beam current range: 1 pA to 200 nA
- Accelerating voltage range: 200 V – 30 kV
- Landing energy range: 20 eV – 30 keV with optional beam deceleration
- Magnification: 6 to 2,500,000×
- Beam deceleration with stage bias from -4000 V to +50 V
- High vacuum: < 6x10-4 Pa
- Low vacuum: up to 200 Pa
- ESEM: up to 4000 Pa
High-vacuum imaging
- 0.8 nm @ 30 kV (STEM)
- 1.0 nm @ 30 kV (SE)
- 2.5 nm @ 30 kV (BSE)
- 3.0 nm @ 1 kV (SE)
- With beam deceleration mode
- 3.0 nm @ 1 kV (BD mode* + BSED*)
- 2.1 nm @ 1 kV (BD mode* + ICD*)
- Low vacuum imaging
- 1.3 nm @ 30 kV (SE)
- 2.5 nm @ 30 kV (BSE)
- 3.0 nm @ 3 kV (SE)
- ESEM imaging
- 1.3 nm @ 30 kV (SE)
Quattro detects up to four signals simultaneously from any combination of the available detectors or detector segments:
• ETD – Everhart-Thornley SE detector
• Low-vacuum SE detector (LVD)
• Gaseous SED (GSED)
(used in ESEM mode)
• IR camera for viewing sample in chamber
• Nav-Cam™: In-chamber colour optical camera for sample navigation
• Directional backscatter detector (DBS) – retractable or lens-mounted segmented
• DBS-GAD – Lens-mounted gaseous analytical detector
• In-column detector (ICD) for beam deceleration mode
- WDS: EDAX TEXS HP: Transition Element X-ray Spectrometer
- EDS: Octane Elite Silicon Drift Detector
- MAPS™ for automatic large area acquisition using tiling and stitching; correlative work
- Software controlled heating stage up to 1,400 degrees celsius
- SEM imaging of samples in 'wet' conditions
- in-situ heating experiments in SEM