Bachelor of Fine Arts

Single Degree

Programme Type


The School of Art Design and Media (ADM) provides world-class education and conducts cutting-edge research in technologically-enabled art, design, and media practice. ADM is consistently ranked in the top #40 Art and Design Schools in the world (QS rankings) and in the top #10 in Asia. ADM is committed to cultivating a community of creative leaders and thinkers who are responsive to real-world challenges. Our graduates serve as active and compassionate stewards of the future in Asia and beyond.

The School of Art, Design and Media provides students with flexibility to suit their interests and long-term goals.

Students can choose from a wide range of courses within and outside their majors for a broad range of knowledge and expertise necessary in an increasingly competitive industry.

The Bachelor of Fine Arts in Design Art combines three pathways in Interaction Design, Product Design and Visual Communication into an integrated programme in Design.

The Bachelor of Fine Arts in Media Art combines four pathways in Animation, Filmmaking, Game and Photography into an integrated programme in Media.


A compulsory 10-week internship at companies, studios and production houses, augments the students’ training. This is followed by a compulsory interdisciplinary seminar module which invites practising artists and designers to give talks and share their knowledge, views and insights. This helps to create a bridge form student to professional creative practitioner.

The offerings from the School of Art, Design and Media, allow each student more flexibility in choosing the subjects that suit their interests and objectives. They can choose from a broad range of courses within and outside their majors for a broad range of knowledge and expertise necessary in an increasingly competitive industry.

In addition to the general NTU requirements, all applicants seeking entry to the Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree program at the School of Art, Design and Media are required to prepare and submit the following materials for admission assessment.


  1. A Portfolio
  2. An introduction video
  3. Creative Projects
  4. An Observational Drawing

Please refer to the ADM Admission Requirements for specific submission instructions and details.

The School of Art, Design and Media recognises academic work completed in recognised institutions both in Singapore and internationally. To ensure that each student is given adequate assessment of advanced standing and transfer credits, the School will conduct an individual assessment of each case.


Activity Flow:

  • Year One students will receive submission instructions during the ADM Freshmen Orientation. All eligible students are to submit the form to the ADM General Office at Level 1. Late submission after the stated deadline will not be entertained.
  • For Compulsory Studio Elective Course, the Area Coordinator will evaluate the portfolio submitted and give their recommendation.
  • Associate Chair, Academic will transfer the Core, Compulsory/Other Major Prescribed Electives, Interdisciplinary Collaborative Core (ICC) and Broadening and Deepening Elective (BDE) and submit the recommendation to the Chair for approval.
  • Upon final approval, the students will be informed of their results and collection of portfolio through students' NTU email account.

Guidelines on Transfer:


  •   Only those with tertiary study and a significant portfolio are eligible for advanced standing.
  •   Evaluation of AUs transferred is based on courses passed with at least a grade B or better.
  •   For Polytechnic Diploma, generally, only third-year courses will be considered for advanced placement at ADM. In specific cases, some courses may be considered based on course content and how comparable these are to ADM course.
  •   Determination is on a cases by case basis, and subject to endorsement by Associate Chair, Academic and approval by Chair, ADM.
  •   Advanced standing is formalised within the first year of matriculation.
  •   Generally, for Polytechnic students (including NAFA and LaSalle SIA College of the Art), the maximum number of AUs to be transferred is 9 AUs. Only in cases of exceptional work presented will there be consideration of transfer beyond 12 AUs.
  •   University students (Singapore & International) receive credits transferred as per University policies (recommended by Associate Chair, Academic).
  •   University students (Singapore & International) may receive waivers on first year courses and major core course on a case by case basis. These are evaluated by area faculty based on portfolio in each subject requested for transfer of credit.


    Subject TypeMax Number of AUs to be transferred
    ​​Core & Compulsory Major Prescribed Electives​3 AUs in Compulsory Major Prescribed Studio Electives (Portfolio to be submitted)
    ​​Other Major Prescribed ElectivesDetermined on case by case basis
    ​​Interdisciplinary Collaborative Core (ICC)Determined on case by case basis
    ​Broadening and Deepening Elective (BDE)​6 AUs


For BFA in Design Art (DA) or Media Art (MA)

Description AUs Remarks Total AUs
Core Year 1 Common Foundation Studio Modules 12 Compulsory to take what is offered 39
Year 1 Specific Foundation Studio Modules 9
Core Art History Modules 6
Interdisciplinary Seminar 3
Final Year Project (FYP) 9
Major Prescribed Electives (PE) Year 2 Area Specific History 3 To choose where choices are offered 36
Year 2 Art History Module 3 To choose one from choices offered
Major Area Studio / Pathway Electives (Compulsory Major PE) 24 To choose from the list based on the major / pathway chosen by the student
Prescribed Elective Modules 6 To choose from the list of what is offered for that semester. Open to both Design Art and Media Art.
ICC Common Core CC0001 Inquiry & Communication in an Interdisciplinary World 2 To be taken in Year 1, Sem 1 17
CC0002 Navigating the Digital World 2 To be taken in Year 1, Sem 1
CC0003 Ethics & Civics in a Multicultural World 2 To be taken in Year 1, Sem 2
CC0005 Healthy Living & Mental Well-being in an Aging Society 3 To be taken in Year 1, Sem 2
ML0004 Career & Entrepreneurial Development for the Future World 2 To be taken in Year 2, Sem 1
Sustainability: Human, Social, Economic & Environment 3 To be taken in Year 2, Sem 1
Science & Technology for Humanity 3 To be taken in Year 2, Sem 2
ICC Foundational Core DD0000 Writing Narratives for Creative Media 3 To be taken in Year 1, Sem 2 11
Digital Literacy 2 – Basket of courses 3 To be taken in Year 2, Sem 1
DD3022 Professional Attachment (10 Weeks) 5 To be taken in Year 3 Vacation Period (May – Jul)
Broadening and Deepening Electives (BDE) Broadening and Deepening Electives (BDE) 27 ADM students are free to take BDEs from throughout NTU. 27
Total AUs 130

Year One

The normal academic load for ADM students is 15 – 20 AUs per semester. For each semester in Year One, the seven courses comprise the Foundation Studio, Art History and Interdisciplinary Collaborative Core (ICC) courses. All ADM Year One students will be automatically enrolled in the following Foundation courses in 


Semester 1

  • DN1001: Foundation Drawing
  • DN1002: Foundation 2D
  • DN1003: Foundation 3D
  • DN1004: Foundation 4D
  • DD1003: Introduction to the Histories of Art I
  • *CC0001: Inquiry & Communication in an Interdisciplinary World
  • CC0002: Navigating the Digital World 

*Note: Pre-requisite: Exempted from Qualifying English Test (QET) or HW0001

The courses DD1003 Introduction to the Histories of Art I and DD1004 Introduction to the Histories of Art II are Core Art History requirements in all majors and are offered during Semesters One and Two respectively. These courses comprise a 2-hour lecture and a 1½-hour tutorial per week. Each course carries 3 AUs.


Semester 2

In Semester Two, all students have to register for their courses on their own through the Students Automated Registration Systems (STARS). Students can refer to  Info and Guide (via their STUDENTS INTRANET) for more information on the Step-by-Step Guide on Course Registration.


All ADM Year One students will register their Art History, Foundation Core courses dependent on their allocation of Major, as there are two different sets of Foundation courses for Design Art and Media Art respectively and ICC courses. 

For further information, please refer to the ‘Course Registration and Curriculum’ below.

Year Two, Three and Four

All ADM Year 2, 3 and 4 Students will register for their courses using  Student Automated Registration System (STARS). Students will be granted access to STARS based on your Registration Study Year. Students are to check your personalised date and time for registration through STARS.

  • The Registration Study Year for registration of courses for Semester One is determined by the following:

    AUs earned to date (after release of previous semester's examination results) > minimum AUs required to be promoted to the next study year

  • The Registration Study Year for registration of courses for Semester Two is determined by the following:

AUs earned to date + AUs registered in the previous semester > minimum AU required to be promoted to the next study year

For the details on the classification of study year, please refer to   Academic Units System (via Student Intranet).

The registration period will be per university-designated times and will follow the standard university process and procedures. Please refer to   NTU Course Registration (via Student Intranet) page for registration information and class schedule: 

*NOTE: Class schedule for courses offered by ADM can be found here.

All Core Compulsory Courses in each Major area will have places reserved for students in the Major area. Students in each Major area are assured of a place in their Core Compulsory Courses. After Major area students have enrolled, the remaining places are open to any ADM student to enroll as a Major Prescribed Elective.

Each course will be capped at a number of places that can be accommodated by the instructor and the facilities.

For Major Prescribed Electives offered by each major area, these courses are open to ANY student from ANY major to enroll. The process for enrolling will follow the standard university process. In NTU, a student in Year Four is allowed access to elective courses first, followed by Year Three, and Year Two. This ensures that students closer to graduation may enroll in the courses necessary to allow them to complete the BFA Degree requirements in 4 years.

Certain exceptions may be made if there is reason to allow a student to enroll in a course even though the class is full. The School will attempt to help students to enroll in the courses needed whenever possible to ensure that each student is able to graduate in 4 years. For special cases, please see the Associate Chair (Academic) or the Assistant Director, Undergraduate Programmes.

*NOTE: Any changes to the class schedule will be notified via the School's website and if necessary, through students' NTU email account.

Second Majors

In addition to their BFA majors, ADM students can choose to pursue a Second Major available in the School of Humanities (SOH), School of Social Sciences (SSS) and the Wee Kim Wee School of Communication and Information (WKWSCI), under the College of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences. Click here to find out more. 



ADM students can also choose to complete one of the minors available in the other schools throughout the University. A full list of minor programmes is indicated on the following page in the University's website: MINOR PROGRAMMES FOR UNDERGRADUATES

Student Exchange Programmes

ADM supports 2nd and 3rd year students on exchange at overseas university for a maximum of one semester, during Semester Two of Study Year 2 or Semester One of Study Year 3, through NTU's international exchange programme.

NTU has a number of active student exchange programs and ADM students can participate in these exchange programmes. Besides the semester-long exchange programme in Study Years 2 or 3, ADM students can also take part in the short-term exchange programmes after completing one year of study at ADM i.e. at the end of Study Year One.

For more information about the Student Exchange Programmes, please click here.

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