Bachelor of Social Sciences in Economics with Second Major in Business

Single Degree with 2nd Major

Programme Type


Business is an area that is seeing increasing interest and demand in the fast-changing employment landscape in Singapore.

With the addition of a Business major to the well-established Bachelor of Social Sciences in Economics programme, the graduates from this programme will be able to enjoy the best of both worlds in acquiring both technical Economics knowledge as well as business know-how.

Bachelor of Social Sciences in Economics with a Second Major in Business is an integrated 4-year programme between the School of Social Sciences and Nanyang Business School that incorporates existing Economics courses and Business courses. Students will read courses from both schools.

Business is an area that is seeing increasing interest and demand in the fast-changing employment landscape in Singapore. This course augments the well-established Bachelor of Social Science (Economics) programme with a Business major.

For GCE 'A' level certificate holders:

  • NTU General Admission Requirements
  • A good grade in H1 Level Mathematics, and
  • A good grade in General Paper/Knowledge & Inquiry

For International Baccalaureate Diploma holders:

  • NTU General Admission Requirements
  • A good grade in Mathematics at Standard Level, and
  • A good grade in English at Standard Level

For NUS High School Diploma holders:

  • NTU General Admission Requirements
  • Major CAP of 2.0 in Mathematics, and
  • Good Overall CAP in English Language

For International Students & Students with other qualifications:

  • NTU General Admission Requirements
  • A good grade in Additional Mathematics at Junior High School Level, and
  • A good grade in English at Senior High School Level

More details on admission can be found at the Office of Admissions website.

Successful Polytechnic applicants will be exempted certain courses that will be confirmed before the start of their first semester.
The Bachelor of Social Sciences in Economics with a Second Major in Business is designed as a four-year course. To graduate, students are required to complete 135 academic units (AUs) from the Econ Major Requirements (ECON), Business 2nd Major Requirement  and General Education Requirements (GER).
Curriculum Structure
AY2020-2021 Intake
A. Major Requirements B. General Education Requirement (GER) Total (AUs)
Core Prescribed
GP or Two
level courses
Core Prescribed
22 39 8 14 6 46 135

with a Second Major in Business is designed as a four-year course. To graduate, students are required to complete 125 academic units (AUs) from the General Education Requirements (GER) and Econ Major Requirements (ECON).

Econ Major Requirement (ECON) General Education Requirement (GER) Free ElectivesTotal  
Core Prescribed Electives Core Prescribed Electives  
22 AUs 47 AUs 14 AUs 12 AUs 30 AUs 135 AUs  

Description of Abbreviation

LA - Liberal Arts
STS - Science, Technology & Society
BM - Business & Management

Economics Major Requirements (69 AUs)

TABLE A: Core (22 AUs)  
TABLE A: Core (22 AUs)  
Year Sem Code Course Title AUs Offering SEM
Year 1 1 HE1001 Microeconomics Principles (Year 1) 3 1
1 HE1002 Macroeconomics Principles (Year 1) 3 1
2 HE2001 Intermediate Microeconomics 3 2
2 HE2002 Intermediate Macroeconomics 3 2
Choose ONE from the following:
2 HE1004 Introduction to Statistical Theory & Methods 3 2
2 HE1005 Introduction to Probability and Statistical Inference 3 2
Year 2 Choose ONE from the following:
1 HE2004 Introductory Econometrics 3 1
1 HE2005 Principles of Econometrics 3 1
Year 4 1 HE4010 Singapore Economy in a Globalised World 4 1


TABLE B: Prescribed Electives (47 AUs)
TABLE B: Prescribed Electives (47 AUs)
FOUR (4) strictly from Group A                                                                                                                                  (12 AU)
EIGHT (8) strictly from Group B of which THREE (3) must be HE4XXXX                                                      (27 AU)
Graduation Project (applicable to students with cGPA of 3.90 and above) OR Two (2) HE4xxxx from either Group A or Group B.          (8AU)

Graduation Project -       Students with cGPA of 3.90 and above are required to do graduation                                                    project in order to be eligible for Honours (Highest Distinction) and                                                           Honours (Distinction)


(Please refer to the Economics website for the list of Economics PEs)

TABLE C: GER Core (14 AUs)
TABLE C: GER Core (14 AUs)
Category AUs
Communication Skills 
  • HW0105 Academic Communication in the Arts, Humanities & Social Science (Compulsory)
  • HW0208 Academic Communication in the Social Sciences (Compulsory)
GC0001 Sustainability  (to be taken in Year 1)# 1
ML0003 Kickstart Your Career Success (to be taken in Year 2) 1
HY0001 Ethics & Moral Reasoning (to be taken in Year 2)# 1
ET0001 Enterprise & Innovation (to be taken in Year 3)# 1
Digital Literacy I (HD0101 Digital Society) (to be taken in Year 2) 3
Digital Literacy II (HD0102 Making Sense of Big Data) (to be taken in Year 2) 3


# To be offered in SEM 2


Note: The offering semester for the 1 AU online courses may change


TABLE D: GER Prescribed Electives (12 AUs)  
TABLE D: GER Prescribed Electives (12 AUs)  
Business and Management (BM) 3
Liberal Arts (LA) 3
Any 2 courses of the following 3 categories (Science, Technology and Society (STS), Business and Management (BM) and  Liberal Arts (LA)) 6

TABLE E: Free Electives (30 AUs)
Students may fulfill the remaining AUs from any school. This choice may include the second Major, one or two Minor(s), more Economics electives or Professional Attachment.

A degree in Economics at NTU provides graduates with a vast array of job opportunities in both the public and private sectors. Economic majors are valued for their critical thinking and analytical skills. They also benefit from an in-depth understanding of social organisations, culture and other social phenomena.

Economics is the study of choices. It explains how individuals, businesses, governments and societies make decisions in a world where resources are limited. The tools used in economic analysis will equip students with problem-solving skills. A Minor in this field will help students to think logically, rationally and rigorously. Students will have the opportunity to learn more about banking, finance, globalisation, employment, economic growth, and also about broader issues such as the environment, poverty and the Third World. In general, knowledge of economics is an indispensable tool for making sense of the intricacies of the modern world. It is an extremely useful minor in any undergraduate curriculum.

The Economics Minor is an excellent complement to the curriculum of students in economics-related majors such as Business and Accountancy. It is a valuable addition to the curriculum of an Engineering major planning a career in a managerial position or intending later to do an MBA. Similarly, economics provides highly relevant background knowledge for a student of Communication Studies who is hoping to go into journalism or to work for an international organisation. Because economics is a social science subject, majors in Sociology or Psychology will also find the Economics Minor helpful.

Eligibility Criteria

Eligibility Criteria
1 The Minor in Economics programme is open to all students except NBS students in Applied Economics and SSS students doing Economics Major.
2 All 5 courses that are needed to count towards Minor fulfillment must be registered as 'Unrestricted Electives'.


Condition What to fulfil
1 Attained at least 15 AUs registered under 'Unrestricted Electives' to file for a Minor in Economics
2 Read compulsory courses physically in NTU.

Curriculum Requirement

Compulsory Core Courses 6 AUs
Course Code Course Title  
Principles of Economics

NBS students who are exempted from AB0901/AB106 or who have taken AB0901/AB106 as a major core are required to replace the AUs with another Economics Electives. Other students who take HE9091 as a GER Elective are also required to replace the AUs with another Economics Electives.
3 AUs
HE9092 Economic Theory

Students are advised to take HE9092 first or co-register HE9092 with another Economics elective, but are advised not to take other Economics Electives, before reading HE9092.
3 AUs


Economics Electives  9 AUs
·         Students are to select ANY courses from this list to fulfill minimum 15AUs.
·         Students are to check for course pre-requisites in considering their combination of Economics courses.
·         Students can clear a maximum of 2 Economics Electives during their exchange semester.
·         Students are not allowed to clear compulsory core courses for Minor fulfillment during their exchange semester.
·         You are not allowed to S/U the courses if you wish to fulfill the minor requirement.

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