Published on 01 Aug 2018

Asst Prof Andy Ho received prestigious award from ADEC

 Asst Prof Andy Ho (right) receiving his award at the 40th Annual Conference of the Association for Death Education and Counseling from Dr Romona Fernandez


Congratulations to Assistant Professor Andy Ho from Psychology on his Academic Educator Award from the Association for Death Education and Counseling (ADEC)! Asst Prof Ho, who was conferred the award at the 40th Annual Conference of the Association for Death Education and Counseling, is the first Asian recipient of this prestigious award. It is given to individuals who possess expertise in the field of dying, death and bereavement as demonstrated by advanced academic degrees, professional honors, awards and other major contributions. 


Expressing his honour and humility for receiving the award, Asst Prof Ho said that he will continue to push forth the boundaries of Death Education and Thanatology Research. He will also further develop his life’s work in supporting and improving the lives of those facing loss, dying, death and bereavement. 

“This award goes to all the patients and families that I have served, as well as to my family, my team, my mentors and teachers who have guided and supported me throughout this most inspiring and rewarding journey,” he added.

Awardees of this award must also have Excellence in Academic Teaching in Thanatology as demonstrated by judgement of peers, development of teaching materials, new courses and student evaluations; Scholarly Abilities as demonstrated by publication records and membership on editorial boards of academic and professional journals; as well as Continuing Growth as demonstrated by keeping abreast of changes and being at the cutting edge of developing ideas for the field.