Published on 15 Mar 2021

How are Ciphers Made? Cryptography from an Idea to Practical Applications by Assoc Prof Thomas Peyrin

The webinar was jointly organised by IAS and the Graduate Students' Clubs of SPMS and SCSE. Assoc Prof Thomas Peyrin explained how modern encryption algorithms, that you use hundreds of time in your everyday life maybe even without noticing it, are conceived. He also focused on Deoxys-II, designed by his team, that was selected as one of the winners of the CAESAR international competition for authenticated encryption design.

In the talk, he explored the foundations of cryptographic primitives and how they are designed in practice. With the advancements in digital communications and economies, these become increasingly relevant. The audience was particularly intrigued by the immense potential this field offers and was keen to think about ways to contribute to the domain.

Nandish Chattopadhyay | SCSE Graduate Students’ Club