Quantum Industry Day 2022
Wan Shi Yu | SPMS
The Quantum Industry Day event was held on 2 Dec 2022 at the newly renovated Collaborative Learning Lab in the Experimental Medicine Building in NTU. It was co-organised by the Institute of Advanced Studies (IAS), Institute for Pedological Innovation, Research and Excellence (InsPIRE) as well as the Global Alliance of Industries (GAIN). The event was attended by more than a hundred enthusiastic students, researchers and faculty staff.
The third industry talk is by Dr Tennin Yan – CEO of QunaSys Japan, who shared with us the application of quantum programming in the chemical industry. The online talk focused on the field of quantum computer aided chemistry simulation. He shared many exciting examples of the application of quantum computing in chemistry simulation within Japan chemical industries, for instance, in area of reaction route search. His talk showed us the impact that academia research has on industries, which leads to multiple collaborations.
Dr Joe Fitzsimons, CEO of Horizon Quantum Computing | Dr Tommaso Demarie, CEO of Entropica Labs | Dr Tennin Yan, CEO of QunaSys Inc. Japan |
The afternoon session featured the IBM Quantum Workshop, which began with a basic overview of quantum computational principles and quantum algorithms. We were also introduced to Qiskit tools developed by IBM such as quantum composer, quantum lab and runtime. Following the introduction, we proceeded with a practical where we tried out some basic programming using the quantum composer and quantum lab, with close guidance by the speakers from IBM. The workshop ended on a pleasant note with the speakers giving us an overview of four Qiskit Application Modules, and we hands-on experience in applying those modules in the fields of machine learning, optimization, nature, and finance.
Overall, the event was an excellent platform to promote open discussion. In the Q&A sessions after each talk, the speakers candidly shared about the potential and limitations of quantum computers with the present quantum technology. The lunch session also provided opportunity for participants to discuss ideas about areas or topics outside of what was presented during their talk. I felt fortunate to be able to have the chance to attend an event such as this, that introduced to us the applications of quantum computing and how quantum algorithms can be coded.
Attentive and engaged audience during the Q&A session and after the talks/ IBM workshop. |
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