Health Monitoring

Conducting Silk-Based Electrodes


This invention presents stretchable and breathable conducting polymer electrodes made from silk fibre mats. These electrodes merge biocompatibility with high conductivity for versatile on-skin applications, offering exceptional stretchability, breathability and comfort. Ideal for healthcare monitors, fitness trackers and smart textiles, they tolerate up to 250% strain and maintain excellent signal integrity, revolutionising wearable technology.


The market stretchable and breathable conducting polymer electrodes based on silk fibre mats presents significant opportunities across multiple industries. In healthcare, these electrodes enhance wearable health monitoring devices, providing comfort and reliability for continuous health tracking. The global wearable medical device market is poised for substantial growth due to an ageing population and increasing healthcare costs. 

In the sports and fitness industry, breathable electrodes improve performance and comfort in wearable fitness trackers, aligning with the growing focus on health and fitness. This technology also enables skin-integrated electronics, supporting personalised medicine, pain management and neurological research. The rising demand for remote patient monitoring further highlights the potential of these electrodes to reduce hospitalisation rates and offer efficient healthcare solutions. 

Additionally, the fashion industry can incorporate this technology into smart garments, creating clothing that monitors health and offers entertainment. The potential for collaboration, research and development across various fields can unlock the full potential of this innovative technology, integrating it into practical solutions that maximises its impact. 



These electrodes are made from silk fibre mats, electro-spun into a mesh-like structure and plasticised with glycerol. A layer of conducting polymer, poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene):polystyrene sulfonate (PEDOT: PSS), is coated onto the silk mats. This construction results in electrodes with exceptional stretchability, allowing them to withstand up to 250% strain while maintaining electrical conductivity. The porous mesh structure ensures high gas permeability, surpassing the water-vapour transmission rate of human skin, which is critical for long-term wear and comfort during exercise. 

These biocompatible electrodes minimise skin irritation and maintain high signal integrity even during physical activities. Their superior thermal comfort makes them suitable for various applications, including healthcare, fitness tracking fashion, where wearable, comfortable and reliable electrophysiological monitoring is essential. This technology opens up new possibilities for advanced wearable devices prioritising user comfort and signal fidelity. 


Figure 1: Fabrication process and properties of conducting silk-based electrodes

Figure 1: Fabrication process and properties of conducting silk-based electrodes.


Applications & Advantages  

Main application areas include wearable health monitors, fitness trackers, skin-integrated electronics, remote patient monitoring, research and development tools, smart textiles and fashion, sports and athletic gear, telemedicine and home healthcare, aerospace equipment as well as educational and research institutions 


  • Exceptional stretchability—withstands up to 250% strain
  • High gas permeability and breathability
  • Natural biocompatibility
  • Maintains signal integrity during exercise
  • Superior thermal comfort
  • Versatile applications in multiple industries
  • Supports long-term on-skin monitoring
  • Enables skin-integrated electronics
  • Facilitates remote health monitoring
  • Drives innovation in wearable technology 


Prof CHEN Xiaodong