Directions to LILY Research Centre, NTU

Venue Address:

  • LILY Research Centre
  • N4-B3b-06, Block N4
  • 50 Nanyang Avenue
  • Singapore 639798
  • Nanyang Technological University


Travelling by car - please park your car at Car Park A, besides NTU the Admin Building ( Postal Code: 639798).

Travelling by taxi - please alight at the Admin Building (639798) and walk towards the sheltered walkway on your righthand side to Car Park A. You will see School of Computer Science Engineering (SCSE) on your right, cross over the road and you will see this:

School of Computer Science and Engineering Level 1 Entrance

Open the entrance door, walk in and you will see: 

Walking to SCSE lift

You can walk either on the left or right passageway; it will take you to the lift.  The above shows the left passageway.  You will see these lifts:

N4 Level 1 Lift

Pease take the lift to B3.  When you come out of the lift, walk towards the left and you will reach LILY Research Centre as shown below:

NTU LILY Main Entrance

Welcome to LILY Research Centre!