Seminar on Higher education and research – An insight into the Swedish way

Dr Björn OskarssonAssociate Professor Linköping University, Sweden Click here to join Teams Meeting This seminar will be chaired by Dr Chen Songlin. |
Seminar Abstract |
I intend to focus on two topics in my presentation: how higher education in Sweden works, and some insights from my own research. Since I hope that you are curious and eager to know as much as possible, there will also be time for questions and discussion. Higher Education in Sweden After an overview of the educational system in Sweden, I will use Linköping University as an example to illustrate how higher education and research is organised and performed. Focus will be on the Dept of Management and Engineering, which I belong to, a large department that embraces most of the disciplinary areas that are found at MAE. I will give a few examples of what we do to promote the students to be active and engaged learners. My own research After presenting some of my works in the interface between logistics and pedagogy, I will also give an insight in a present research project, where I work together with a company to investigate the complexity with making a proper total cost analysis in a product development setting. |
Speaker’s Biography |
Having graduated from university in 1990, Dr Björn Oskarsson spent a few years as a logistics project manager in the aircraft industry, before he entered a teaching position at Linköping University. Due to his dedication to teaching and education, he was for several years appointed Director of Studies with economic and pedagogic responsibility for the education in Logistics and Supply Chain Management. His interest for different modes of teaching, learning, and assessment made him rather late in his academic career embark research studies in the interface between logistics and pedagogy. In 2019, he received his PhD, and has since then combined teaching and research. This semester, he is visiting NTU as a ”STINT fellow”. STINT is a Swedish organisation sending out a few scholars each year to universities around the world, with the purpose of taking part in the teaching activities, but also to collect experiences and get a chance to reflect upon pedagogic and academic issues. More detailed information can be found on his Linköping University webpage,, where there is also a link to his CV. |