Seminar on Computer vision techniques and robotic applications: For collaborative education & research

13 Jan 2023 11.00 AM - 12.00 PM The Arc, LHN-TR+07 Current Students, Public

Prof. Hyeun Jeong Min

 The Department of Integrative Systems Engineering

Ajou University, South Korea

This seminar will be chaired by A/P Moon Seung Ki.

Seminar Abstract

For about 3 years since Covid-19, academics had to perform contract-free classes, learning from video contents or on-line activities. It has demonstrated advantageous in some ways, while off-line activities take an important role in teaching and learning. There are growing materials such as on-line contents and experiences, and people can get easy access with each other so that collaborative learning can be possible. It is the motivation of our collaboration in education. NTU and AJOU university are trying to engage in an important initiative. This talk discusses not only collaboration in teaching but also possible research. Nowadays there are growing interests in robots around us, very close in our lives. Robots are integration of technologies, requiring various controllability and sensing ability applied with AI techniques. Some robotic applications in industry are involved with mobile robots, collaborative robots, aerial vehicles, and so on. This talk presents object segmentation and recognition, especially based upon Mask R-CNN and YOLO, and data augmentation methods.

Speaker’s Biography​

Dr. Hyeun Jeong Min is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Integrative Systems Engineering at Ajou University. Before joining at Ajou University, she worked at Yonsei University as a Research Professor. She received the Ph.D. degree from the Department of Computer Science at the University of Minnesota, USA in 2013. Her research interests includes autonomous robots, visual tracking, object segmentation, data augmentation, transfer learning, sentiment analysis, and multi-modal sensing.