Seminar on The importance of scientific advancement as a basis for paper writing for International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture (IJMTM)

01 Mar 2023 10.00 AM - 11.00 AM LHN-TR+1, The ARC (Learning Hub North), 63 Nanyang Drive Singapore 636922 Current Students, Public

Prof Dragos Axinte

 Chair of Manufacturing Engineering 

University of Nottingham, UK

This seminar will be chaired by Prof  Zhou Kun.

Seminar Abstract
This webinar covers our experiences in dealing with the submissions to IJMTM and suggestions to researchers for ‘preparing an impact making manuscript for IJMTM by stressing the scientific advancements’. It is hoped that this will shed more light on the types of original contributions IJMTM is looking for. Aspects related to selection of the research topics aligned with the scope of IJMTM, the need to emphasise the scientific breakthroughs and present critical theoretical and experimental evidence will be discussed. 

This presentation should not be regarded as the silver bullet for getting published with the journal but it rather intends to open the route for academic dialogue while supporting a manufacturing research community driven by scientific curiosity and strife for excellence.

Speaker’s Biography​

Dragos Axinte is Professor and Chair of Manufacturing Engineering at University of Nottingham, UK. Graduated at University of Galati, Romania, after working in industrial research for nearly eight years, he held two personal NATO Research Fellowships in Italy and Denmark and then moved to UK to carry out research with University of Birmingham and later with University of Nottingham. He was appointed Lecturer in Manufacturing Engineering (2005) and successively promoted to Associate Professor (2007), Reader (2010) and Professor (2011). Since 2009 Dragos is Director of The Rolls-Royce UTC in Manufacturing and On-Wing Technology at University of Nottingham. He is Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture and Fellow of International Academy of Production Engineering (FCIRP). Dragos has over 200 journal papers and over 30 granted international patents filed mainly with Rolls-Royce.

Dragos research interest is in the following main areas: Advanced machining technologies with emphasis on in-depth analysis of workpiece surface integrity; innovative tooling and fixturing systems; and development of portable machine tools and specialist robotics for in-situ repair and maintenance of high-value industrial assets.