Seminar on 3D metrology enhanced by image processing

Dr Cheng Fang Adjunct Assistant Professor NTU, School of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering
Venue: The Arc - Learning Hub North, LHN TR+20 (LHN-L1-08) Please click here to register if you are attending the physical seminar at The Arc. OR This seminar will be chaired by A/P Wan Man Pun. |
Seminar Abstract |
Image processing, with its well-structured data format and versatile available tools, has become one of the most mature area of AI applications. Images, as a data format, is becoming more popular in inspection data storage in various areas, such as thermal imaging, ultrasonic imaging, etc. In this report, the presenter will share his work in 3D metrology, using image formatted data for information acquisition and analysis, which was traditionally done with electronic approaches. In this presentation, displacement encoders and interferometric sensors developed with imaging techniques will also be discussed. |
Speaker’s Biography |
Cheng Fang obtained his PhD degree from Hefei University of Technology, China, in 2010 where he performed research on nano measurements. Thereafter, he completed his postdoctoral research at National Taiwan University, Taiwan, and Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, where he gained insights into nano-positioning and surface metrology. Cheng joined the Advanced Remanufacturing and Technology Centre (ARTC), A*STAR, in 2013 as a Development Scientist and is now a Deputy R&D Director at ARTC. His research interests are in intelligent surface-defect detection, surface-finish inspection, automated optical inspection and in-line instrumentation. |