Seminar on Smart materials and Smart devices

03 Apr 2023 03.00 PM - 03.30 PM The ARC, LHN-TR+51 (LHN-L2-17) Current Students, Public

Dr Long Yi

 Chinses University of Hong Kong

This seminar will be chaired by A/P Wan Man Pun

Seminar Abstract

Smart materials are most widely used in various applications including sensors, actuators, artificial muscles and so on. They are also known as intelligent or responsive materials which are designed materials with different properties that can be significantly changed in a controlled way by external stimuli, such as stress, electric or magnetic fields, light and temperature. In this talk, I will report the progress of two most widely studied inorganic and organic smart materials, vanadium dioxide and hydrogel, and their applications in the energy saving smart window, stretchable devices as well as artificial muscles. 

Speaker’s Biography​

Dr. Long Yi graduated from Nanyang Technology University and University of Cambridge. She is the Fellow of Royal Society of Chemistry and the STEM scholar/professor in the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Her research focuses on smart materials and devices, thin film technology, energy saving materials and functional nanomaterials. Her early career started with successful lab-to-fab technology transfer to industries including Seagate Technology. She published widely in top journals including Science, Joule, Chemical review, Chemical Society Review and many more. She is serving as the scientific editor for Materials Horizons. Her work won Falling Walls Science Breakthroughs of the Year 2022. Her research activity was highlighted in Nature and was reported widely by Reuters, AFP, CNA, MIT technology review and many others.