Published on 05 Jul 2022

MAE team creates software for International Space Station 2022

Five NTU students created a machine learning software that is going to be sent to the International Space Station (ISS) for 3 months later this year. The students will be running the software from their laptops to predict hardware disruptions on the ISS, satellites, or other spacecrafts that can potentially cause them to go off course or crash.

One of the five to achieve this amazing success is a third year NTU MAE Undergraduate Deon Lim. The other members are from other school. Together they created an interdisciplinary team that ultimately produces this incredible work.

“I want to thank my team Archit Gupta, Sim See Min and Eng Chong Yock for all their hard work and efforts. This result is an accumulation of months of research meetings and preparation. I would also like to thank the organising body ICE Cubes Service and sponsors for this unique opportunity to venture into space and the ISS.” – Deon Lim

More details about International Space Station (ISS) :

The International Space Station Program brings together international flight crews, multiple launch vehicles, globally distributed launch and flight operations, training, engineering, and development facilities, communications networks, and the international scientific research community.


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