Published on 13 Jun 2022

'Fabric' That Converts Motion Into Electricity - Professor Lee Pooi See

We are pleased to share that Professor Lee Pooi See’s research on developing a stretchable and waterproof ‘fabric’ that turns energy from body movement into electricity has been featured in various media.

In a proof-of-concept experiment, Prof Lee and her team showed that tapping on a 3cm by 4cm piece of the new ‘fabric’ generated enough electrical energy to light up 100 LEDs.
Washing, folding, and crumpling the ‘fabric’ also did not cause any performance degradation and could maintain stable electrical output for up to five months.
Their discovery showed that the new ‘fabric’ could potentially be used as a smart textile and a wearable power source.

The research work is published in the peer-reviewed scientific journal – Advanced Materials, titled ‘Stretchable, Breathable, and Stable Lead-Free Perovskite/Polymer Nanofiber Composite for Hybrid Triboelectric and Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting’

For the full media release, visit NTU News: New ‘fabric’ converts motion into electricity.

“Our energy harvesting prototype fabric can harness vibration energy from a human to potentially extend the lifetime of a battery or even to build self-powered systems. To our knowledge, this is the first hybrid perovskite-based energy device that is stable, stretchable, breathable, waterproof, and at the same time capable of delivering outstanding electrical output performance.”
-Professor Lee Pooi See-
Fabric That Convert Motion Into Electricity Professor Lee Pooi See
Prof Lee Pooi See (left) presents the stretchable electrode that is to be attached to a piece of fabric-based energy-harvesting prototype held by her PhD student, Jian Feng (right).

Our heartiest congratulations to Prof Lee and the team on this excellent achievement!

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