A*STAR MTC Programmatic Fund – Professor Chen Xiaodong
We are pleased to announce that Professor Chen Xiaodong and his team have been awarded the A*STAR RIE2025 Manufacturing, Trade and Connectivity (MTC) Programmatic Fund for the research programme titled "Scent Digitalization and Computation (SDC)". Prof Chen leads a multidisciplinary team comprised of Team-PIs from School of Computer Science and Engineering (SCSE, NTU), National University of Singapore (NUS) and Institute of Materials Research and Engineering (IMRE), A*STAR.
The programme proposes a concept namely Scent Digitalization and Computation (SDC), a data-centric approach inspired by the olfactory system to objectively evaluate complex scents. The approach aims to fill the technological gap in mass scent evaluation, with potential applications in healthcare, food, environment, security, etc.
About the MTC Programmatic Fund
The MTC Programmatic Funding Initiative (FI) supports long term, capability-building projects that have the potential to deliver significant impact to Singapore, typically beyond a five-year timeframe. These projects typically correspond to low Technological Readiness Levels (TRL) of 2-4. A*STAR has been appointed as the Implementing Agency for the MTC Programmatic FI.
Our heartiest congratulations to Prof Chen and team on winning this grant!