Published on 24 Aug 2022

Invisible Coating That Turns Wood "Fireproof" - A/P Aravind Dasari

We are pleased to share that Assoc Prof Aravind Dasari and his team have been featured in various media for their research on developing a near-invisible coating that makes wood fire-resistant, whilst retaining its natural beauty.

When heated to 300 degree C, the resin coating, which is just about 0.075mm thick and invisible to the naked eye, expands into a black char by more than 80 times its original thickness. The charred coating is heat resistant and acts as an insulating film, preventing the laminated wood from burning and thus preventing the spreading of flames. The coating also produces less smoke during combustion.

The innovation has a technology disclosure filed through NTUitive, and the commercialisation project was funded S$250,000 through the NTUitive Gap Fund.

Costing only S$2 to coat one square meter of wood material, the team is now in licensing talks with several companies.
At least one company, Venturer Timberwork, is exploring the usage of this coating in one of its projects.

For the full media release, please visit NTU News: Invisible coating protects wood from fire.

"Mass engineered timbre-based building – that’s one of the key applications that we’re looking at.
There’s huge potential in other areas, like for instance…steel. Although we have not completely explored this coating for steel, that could potentially be explored. Internal applications – lining materials, polymers. We can also coat this on polymers. So potential is there, it just has to be explored."
- Assoc Prof Aravind Dasari -

Assoc Prof Aravind Dasari (front) and his co-inventors, Dr Sheik Anees (back) and PhD Student – Dean Seah (right) with samples of the charred coating and coated/non-coated spruce wood. (Source: The Straits Times)

Assoc Prof Aravind Dasari shared with reporters from CNA and Channel 8 about other potential applications of the invisible fire-resistant coating. (Source: CNA YouTube)

Heartiest congratulations to Assoc Prof Aravind and his team on this excellent achievement!