Published on 13 Jul 2023

NTUitive Gap Fund – Professor Gan Chee Lip, Professor Lam Yeng Ming and Associate Professor Huang Yizhong

We are pleased to share that the following faculty members have been awarded the NTUitive Gap Fund for their projects:

Professor Gan Chee Lip: Scaling Up of Stereolithography 3D Printed Transparent Spinel Ceramics

Professor Lam Yeng Ming: Green Microgel Formulation for Improving Land Productivity – RetenSol-G

Associate Professor Huang Yizhong: Scalable Rapidly-Prepared-Electrodes for Sustainable Electrolytic Hydrogen Production in The Industry

About the grant
The NTUitive Gap Fund (POC Grant) scheme provides funding to researchers in NTU for beyond Proof-Of-Concept development to facilitate the commercialisation of technology developed here. The grant is awarded through a competitive application process to support projects which are technically sound and commercially viable. The grant goes towards supporting the developmental cost in building a fully functional prototype.

Our heartiest congratulations to Prof Gan, Prof Lam and Prof Huang!